Source Code

Spencer Reid

Spencer Reid is a fictional character from the tv show criminal minds. He can read about 200,000 words at the same time with an Edithc memory. He is also cute

A: spencer Reid is cute

B: who?
A: spencer Reid guy from criminal minds
B: what??
A: *mumbles* never mind I was just gonna say he's awesome

by iamapperently88%awesome😱 March 13, 2020

The Back Of A Spencer's

You can and will find everything sex related

A horny teens favorite place.

Person1: Hey bro do you know where to get a vape?
Person 2: Just go to the back of a Spencer's .

It's a place where you get anything from vapes to to vibrators stuff like that and where teens live 24/7
At first glance it looks like off brand hot topic but instead of having a bunch of middle schoolers there's High Schoolers knowing what their there for. If you've never seen a hot topic before it's a place where a bunch of 13 year olds rome around looking for emo shit to show off.

by GeeLuver April 13, 2022

75πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Spencer Buckley

A useless animal, so useless his parents don't even want him.

I wanna take a crap on Spencer Buckley

by potato sniffer 3000 October 17, 2019

26πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Marks and Spencer

Marks and Spencer is a British upmarket supermarket chain, famous for its "Food Porn" adverts on TV, all of which have the opening line: "This isn't just...".

Also known as "M an' S", "Marks and Sparks", "Sparksy's" and "Mark's".

Marks and Spencer "M&S" Food Porn Advert: This isn't just sausages and mash, this is creamy, light-whipped, golden, fluffy mash King Edward potatoes with succulent, grilled, chipolata sausages from British farms with an oozing rich gravy sauce.
Viewer: wtf?

by errata June 13, 2007

56πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

jesse spencer

The ONLY reason I watched Neighbours in the 90's.

OMG is that Jesse Spencer on House, Billy Kennedy's all grown up!!

by mmm-noodles April 10, 2007

70πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Spencer Reidsexual

When you are completely and utterly in love with the fictional character Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds.

JJ:I think I’m in love with Spence
Morgan:It’s called Spencer Reidsexual

by Spence_lover December 30, 2021

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


(Noun)When a man takes 3 months to ask out a girl and instantly gets rejected

"Ohh he's doing a spencer"

by MR KFC ASIAN MAN August 25, 2017

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