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Tasty Cardboard

Actual pizza. Crust, sauce and cheese. Tastes like cardboard and tastes tasty

Hey, can you buy some tasty cardboard? Large plain please

by Airwolfwastaken April 24, 2021


messing with people by throwing tasty-cake items at cars in the drive thru at mcdonals from a wooded are and having the cops called on you.

last night we almost got busted for tasty-caking by the cops running away from the mcdonalds

by william moses August 12, 2007

Tasty Slice

Beautiful woman that has completely empty tits (not flat chested, large breasts but devoid of fat)

Totally gorgeous with her skin bags tits flapping about every time she moves

Wow now that is a tasty slice right there

by VeryVisionary January 21, 2025

New Tasty Buffalo

A real cool girl who all the other boys arent even okay with being not single anymore. Her bf lives in Buffalo and she likes him and he likes her and theyre dating

Dude 1: Hey man did you hear about Jim?
Dude 2: No, what happened with Jim?
Dude 1: Well Jim went off and got himself a New Tasty Buffalo...
Dude 2: Oh no, I'll be alone forever!

by mr. shmeckles July 9, 2019

Tasty Lemon

A very awesome dude, who is the biggest chad you will ever meet.

Hey, have you seen Tasty Lemon's bunda?

by Jay1206 December 12, 2021

tasty bullshit

a food item, generally a concoction of "bullshit" all thrown together that turns out to be surprisingly delectable.

Jesus Tapdancing Fuck Cocks! This pepperoni and peanut butter cereal is some TASTY BULLSHIT!

by bmb1455 December 8, 2022

tasty weed

weed smoked with a hooka mixed with flavored tobacco

"Damn I could go for some tasty weed"

by howmanyapples January 24, 2012