when your taking a big shit, and it hits the toilet water and then, the water splashes your a-hole. (Just like a kid cannonballing into the pool)
Dude I just gave myself a ghetto bidet
when you are taking a shit and the splash caused by the turd cleans your anus.
newton's bidet is when your shit has splashed toilet water on your ass. oh man, newton's bidet came in clutch with the clean up.
When you shit on the trail and your buddy squirts beer up your ass to clean in up.
I had no toilet paper on the trail and had to dump so buddy gave me a trail bidet.
A Low Budget Bidet is one of 2 things a really cheap Bidet or a Squirt Bottle
Damn After That Taco bell Supreme burrito crunch I need to wash my asshole with a Low Budget Bidet
When you gracefully leave an upper decker, then use the bowl water to clean yourself afterwards.
Fuck bud, so I was at the corner store and buddy had no shit tickets, so I had to leave an upper decker and use the quebec bidet.
The act of washing one’s arse in a puddle after taking a shit outside.
Ashley did a Sheffield bidet after shitting in a car park.
The exact polar opposite of a bidet; instead of being sprayed with a stream of fresh water from your toilet, you spray your toilet with a high-pressure stream of hot diarrhea.
1. I painted my girlfriends toilet with a Reverse Bidet.
2. Never lift the seat after a Reverse Bidet.