A term, commonly used within sales, for somebody you have been working with a long time that finally pans out.
You can’t count that person for this month, they’re a funnel dropper.
When you been doing ketamine for three days straight and your nostrils can't take it anymore so you lay upside down and funnel Ketamine your frontal lobe.
Dude, we've been partying so long and hard I can't even breathe through my nose! What should I do????? Duh, ketamine funneling.. What, did you grow up in a cardboard box?
Somebody grab the funnel!!! This party ain't over till the K Runs Out!
A two man job where one person (A) excretes into a toilet, while the other person (B) urinates in the mouth of the excreter. The urine is then passed through (A) and urinated into the toilet. A innovative solution to classic "one restroom" issue.
A: " Bro I really gotta go, could you hurry up?
B: How about a West Virginia Funnel?
A: "Hell yeah!"
the better frat on burrill ave, not to be mistaken with sigma chi
college student #1: I heard the funnel was getting a keg tonight
college student #2: Great, i spent my last 5 bucks on kentacohut, i guess ill have to use laundry quarters again
From 'fun tunnel'. A device used to snort mind altering substances.
Pass me the funnel. Let's find out if this is mandy, k or speed..
Where you cum into a girls ass and use a funnel to drink the cum. You can add some ingredients like coke or lemonade if needed
“Hey babe come here so I can funnel you out”
1👍 1👎
Loose tobacco sprinkled on or mixed in with weed when rolling a joint making it easier to inhale or "making it hit better"
"What's that brown thing you putting on the joint?"
"Funnel, to make it hit harder"