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Gal Shimh day

Gal Shimh day is a

day in May 22 in that day we

celebrate Gal Shimh and we change our

name to Gal Shimh only that day after that our name change back to what he was before

Wow it's Gal Shimh day

by !kwaza! May 23, 2022

Yafa gal

The best and funniest page on Instagram with the hottest most beautiful ,smart ,kind flawless owner in the world

What do you think about *Instagram page name*?
Doesn't even get close to yafa gal

by I love ombre November 21, 2021

gal hal

a gal with some manly characteristic, for example a lot of arm hair or a very strong jaw, generally undoable

Bill: Dude, are you really takin' that gal hal to formal?
Bob: No way man, she reminds me of Chewbacca

by Average Joe February 27, 2005

gal smimh day

gal smimh day is day in 22 may, in that day every one change their name to gal smimh day. their pronouns is remain the same when it was before

today is the gal smimh day

by !kwaza! June 7, 2022

ur pal a gal

the insult you use to not insult the person told, but to insult their closest of friends, and indirectly injure their feelings.

Target: ur mom gay
You: I'll do it
Target: Do it
You: ur pal a gal
Target: Social life gets consumed by void

by ARedVulpes March 26, 2018

hunny gal

A basic white bitch, who loves her best friend on social media.

Thanks hunny gal!

by basically white August 27, 2018

TSG Gals

The best of the best the absolute legends

Wow I wish I was part of TSG Gals they are AMAZInG ahahha

by A Mystery 9 February 7, 2018