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1.) Word used for showing people that they have done wrong.
2.) Also used for yelling at yourself for doing something wrong

1.)"Jesus kid look what you did now!"
2.) Jesus my wife is going to be pissed off to know that I fornicated the neighbors wife.

by justforthelulz February 9, 2009

17๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


The Son of God. The saviour of my soul. the way the truth and the light. The person that loves us all. even the people on here that are saying how much they hate him. He is the only true way to live. He is the only perfect thing to ever walk this on this earth and died a criminals death just so we can have the freedom we have today.

Jesus is the only way to live. The only answer to your problem. You will fall and look for love in other places but Jesus is th only way.

by Tiffany D June 21, 2005

49๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž


Son of God, man above all men, Messiah of the world, Savior of all races, the Verb, God himself in form of man.

Many things can be used to identify Jesus. He was no fictional character as most of you might suggest, but he walked this very Earth, spreading the word of God and his teachings. He was the only perfect man to walk on Earth and never sinned. He was even tempted by the Devil himself, and did not say a sinful word. He did miracles, healed the sick, and freed demon-possessed men and women. Because of the sin in the world, he was sent by God himself to be born as a child, live in this Earth, die on the cross (worse death ever given to the crimianals of his time) and save all humans from the curse called sin. But he did not reamin dead. He rose from the dead in the third day. He is now seated at the right-hand of God and wants to free us all. He loves you, understands you, and died for you, you being a Jew or gentile. He will be coming back shortly, I do not know when, but surely shortly. He will take his people up with him when that time comes.

As much as he might seem fictional, he is real. You believing it or not, the truth will not change, and it never shall. I believe. What about you?

His own defintion of himself:

Jesus answered, "You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me."

-John 18:37

by Allyn Deimos May 31, 2007

59๐Ÿ‘ 87๐Ÿ‘Ž


A boy that's birthday probably in July and is the class clown. He likes girls that name start with the letter A and enjoys video game alot like Call Of Duty he makes sure that everyone is happy just like he is

Jesus is such a nice guy

by Lol12311 July 1, 2018

34๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž


Jesus is the light of the world. He died for our sins. He loves us enough to die on a cross for us. He never will forsake us. He is the Son of God.

"Jesus died so my sins could be forgiven," said the little girl.

by ChristLovesMe April 7, 2011

41๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž


The best man that ever lived and no one as good as him will ever live. He is the one and only TRUE KING. The only way into HEAVEN and the only one that can save you from the damnation of HELL. Jesus destroyed Satan's hold over us when Jesus died for all sins. Satan will NEVER bring Jesus down. Jesus is the LORD forever. He paid for your soul with his body and blood, so believe that he loves you because he is one to love you when no one else could. Take my word, HELL is real and Jesus doesn't want you to go there and neither do I, so can I get an AMEN for Christ Jesus. The LORD be with you.

Jesus says "Whoever believes in me shall not perish, but shall have eternal life."

by Dave1983 September 20, 2005

56๐Ÿ‘ 82๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Mexican male name of both Hebrew and Spanish origin. Pronounced "hey-zeus".

Jesus' are often times shy, guarded, and like to keep to themselves. However, when they find motivation to do something, they are the least shy people of all. Once comfortable with someone, although still guarded, they will open up a bit more.

They are known for their masculine looks and exasperated sighs. They are characterized by strong arm and bicep muscles which many find useful when pulling a woman in for a kiss. The skin of a Jesus is constantly warm to the touch unless they are outside for long periods of time in inappropriate clothing, such as at a high school football game in the end of October in a light jacket.

When they have a bad feeling about something, some may stay up throughout the night until they get bad new, like a phone call from a crying friend.

When a Jesus finds a girl, always a beauty in their eyes, there will either be terrible heartbreak or wondrous love. He will one day find a girl that adores his smiles and will get lost in his eyes. When they embrace, she'll wonder what has taken her so long to find this person. Both will realize just how much they love each other and how much they both want to spend the rest of their lives together.

When they no longer hold back, they become a great listener, a caring best friend, and a tender lover. Anyone who gets to know them for who they really are will either fall in love with them, or wish that they had him as a best friend.

I'm completely in love with my Jesus, who gives me affectionate kisses and holds me in his arms until I fall asleep.

I want to spend the rest of my life with Jesus, my best friend until the end.

Will you marry me, Jesus?

I can always count on Jesus to remember a certain moment that means a lot to them for years and years, possibly for the rest of him life. Certain objects, such as an AC/DC jacket, arcade tokens from a first date, or even a girl's dolphin necklace, are triggers for memories that sometimes keep him up at night.

Even though his family is bothersome to him, he is loyal and compassionate about every single one of them. He never lets a birthday go forgotten or unrecognized.

by DyingMelodies October 27, 2013

5๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž