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A person who joined the Marine Corps.. a department of the navy... so they could run around saying there the best and everyone will think there right..

A problem with this is that there not the first to fight neither are they the best. This is an example of branding, hollywood movies and media made there reputation what it is not facts and history..

People who want to fight for there country but watch footage of themselves on the news being called marines even though there in the army join the army because its about loyalty and dedication.

To prove the army is a more elite force heres a break down.

listed by the level of training needed and the level of most deadly.

Marines (infantry) Army (Infantry) Navy (marines)

Marines (force recon) Army (Rangers) Navy (nothing)

Marines (nothing) Army (Spec forces) Navy (Seals)

Marines(nothing) Army (Delta Force) Navy (nothing)

As for whos first to fight read some history books. Yes there were missions marines arrived at first but the army was somewhere else fighting at the time.

Spec forces are in before anybody else is as is the CIA. A marine grunt isnt there before the army is.

Marine's aren't the first to fight, special forces are always in a country before the ground forces get there.

by Army 11 Bravo June 17, 2011

24๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž


To masturbate to yourself, or another, while urinating.

Dude, I just found out my girlfriend marinates!

Sweetie, I just caught Jen marinating in the kitchen sink!

by morbidjellyfish December 13, 2010

5๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


Another way of saying Gay

YO man dat nigga being marine.

by Mason, Crosby, and Loyd March 4, 2009

54๐Ÿ‘ 193๐Ÿ‘Ž


Short-form name for ship-based infantry created by Henry VIII to kick the French's arse.
Royal Marine Commandos are the best equipped rapid-reaction shock/assault force on the planet - anyone who parachutes field artillery into place before the ground troops means business.
Praised by the French Foriegn Legion (there's irony for you); Russian Spetznaz; the USMC (but never in public, looks bad in the papers). These dudes are the second-best infantry unit... If only they could find the best...

George W. Bush: "Well, we need to open Iraq up for oil.. I mean, to secure worldwide democracy. Think I'll send the USMC in to clear the ground."
Tony "Poodle" Blair: "Don't worry, darling, I'll send the Royals in first, you know they love dying for no good reason. Now, please f*ck me up the a*se again? Please??"

by LucySkyDiamond April 8, 2005

42๐Ÿ‘ 147๐Ÿ‘Ž


A group of people who pride themselves in being strict and hardcore to the outsider. Someone who takes pride in how the uniform looks on them, but cannot even spell ASVAB (not asvap dumb ass) an abbreviation of the test required to enter any military branch. This strange group of people are happy living in conditions that make the ghetto look like Beverly Hills. They make fun of what they don't understand ie. the Air Force and the Army. A group that is proud of the fact that they were in Fallujah and stirred up a hornets nest. However they forget to mention the Army had to come in and save their asses. It is a given that their Basic Training is among if not the toughest, but being stronger than the man or woman beside them does not make them bullet proof. Being in the US flying a UAV or hiding behind the Army does. These people think that they are better than every one around them, but are in fact no different than any of the people around them. All signed a voluntary contract, all proudly serve (however misguided it may be), and all would die proudly in battle for the country they serve and protect. The biggest difference between any other branch of the military and Marines is the fact that all other branches have the ability to use common sense

Wow, are we on a Military installation or did we go to the ghetto? I thought military bases were well kept. I guess the Marines here in Hawaii don't know how to maintain their buildings.

Dang I saw that guy in the gym every day too bad his brain wasn't strong enough to tell him to get out of the way of that bullet.

Why don't Marines have their own medics? Because they rely on the Navy for everything else they figure what the hell we will use theirs since none of our guys are smart enough to learn how to do it.

I guess the Army gives all the junk helicopters to the Marines. They are the only branch to still rely heavily on the Huey and the Cobra. Hello try upgrading to a Black Hawk or an Apache!! They are newer and more sophisticated machines never mind simplicity is more your cup of tea. SORRY!!


by Bigious Alious May 3, 2009

48๐Ÿ‘ 173๐Ÿ‘Ž


My Ass Really Is Naval Equipment

we watched as the marine unit loaded all of the equipment on to the ship. they work better than forklifts, just more irritating.

by chase bayne April 10, 2008

45๐Ÿ‘ 168๐Ÿ‘Ž


more of an acronym than an actual warfighter. "My Ass Rides In Navy Equipment."

"All right Marines, we're headed to Afghanistan!"

"But how are we gonig to get there?"

"I've got the CO of the Kearsarge on the line. We'll hitch a ride with them."

by 5150pacer February 6, 2009

32๐Ÿ‘ 123๐Ÿ‘Ž