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Banishing Thirst

The Banishing Thirst is an only born disease where the patient is not aloud to touch a living soul. The patient will have to be at least 6ft apart from another person. Or have to be put in a room away from human contact.

This disease can cause savior touch starvation to the patient and try to touch anyone they can see. The diseases will also cause depression, monophobia (fear of being left alone), anxiety, separation anxiety, Agoraphobia (fear of leaving the place you call a safe haven), Insomnia, anthropophobia (fear of people)

There is unfortunately no cure for this illness. If touched on a specific area that part of the body will slowly disappear like water, as well as the rest of the body. If the patient wishes to be touched they will either choose their parents, friend, or their crush.

"The banishing Thirst is more a curse than a disease" I say while crying in the silent empty room I know to well.

by Yaoi95 June 2, 2022

Banishing Thirst

The Banishing Thirst is an only born disease where the patient is not aloud to touch a living soul. The patient will have to be at least 6ft apart from another person. Or have to be put in a room from any human contact.

This disease can cause savior touch starvation to the patient and try to touch anyone they can see. The diseases will also cause depression, monophobia (fear of being left alone), anxiety, separation anxiety, Agoraphobia (fear of leaving the place you call a safe haven), Insomnia, anthropophobia (fear of people)

There is unfortunately no cure for this illness. If touched on a specific area that part of the body will slowly disappear like water. If the patient wishes to be touched they will either choose their parents, friend, or their crush.

"This banishing Thirst is more a curse than a disease" I say while crying in the silent room I know too well.

by Yaoi95 June 2, 2022

Lingo thirst

When members of Generation Z excessively attempt to introduce nonsensical language into mainstream lexicons, often devoid of logical meaning across any generation.

"Girl 1: Your outfit always eats."
"Girl 2: Your words make no sense and frustrate me. You trying too hard. You got lingo thirst girl."

by sir dizzle June 1, 2024

jamaican thirst

a phrase i made up to descibe the yearning to get drunk.

My goodness! Its been weeks since I've last gotten obliterated and I've developped the biggest Jamaican thirst!

by xocyndirellaox June 21, 2008

Megasus Thirst

Jesus Christ warrior name

I am megasus thirst

by Megasus Thirst Jesus Christ June 25, 2024

My Blade Thirsts

Warcraft III Demon Hunter quote

My Blade Thirsts, Anu'dor anu'dor

by EpsteinIsland June 29, 2022

thirst wheel

Third wheeling when you secretly wanna smash with one of the people involved in the relationship

Chris: do you reckon it'll be weird going out with Charlotte and Luke? You know how much I wanna get with Charlotte
Tom: Nah bro as long as you can keep it under control you'll be right

Chris: Yeah but I'll still be Thirst Wheeling all night

by Poptart 007 November 8, 2018