it's me mike. its literally me.
i am literally the real mike.
im a cutie patootie >:3
mike wheeler is cute.
The most well written character in the entire show, deserves the world. Can really steal an episode away with a singular line.
Person 1: Ted Wheeler’s dialogue was really well written this season.
Person 2: Why wouldn’t it be?
Person 1: I love you Ted.
The most well written character in the entire show of ‘Stranger Things’, he deserves the world. Can really steal an episode away with a singular line.
Person 1: Ted Wheeler’s dialogue was really well written this season.
Person 2: Why wouldn’t it be?
Person 1: I love you Ted.
A Lag Wheeler is a player who combines spinning or running in circles, with connection issues to other players, (I.E. lag, frame rate drops, etc.), in order to become an unstoppable killing-machine, and a little bitch.
"Trust me, don't go near that guy."
"He's a goddamn Lag Wheeler."
"Shit son."
To overcook something to the extreme.
You have totally wheelered those pork wellingtons
A pseudonym for Zak Vaudo. He is apparently not fooling ANYONE.
He's flirting with EVERY girl in the world? Must be a Zak Vaudo, the Wheeler Magnet Definer.
girl who likes to lick out her best friends anus whilst being severely boned from all angles
she knew she was a taste-wheeler the moment she touched her cunt