A load of bais that think there the sham aka Michael Lane , Joey Gibson and Scott Lawler
“Isn’t that The Heavy Crew over there?” “No bai there a load of sausages”
Any professional team that is overpaid and underperforming
The Kansas City Chiefs, Oakland Raiders, New York Knicks, New York Yankees are a few examples of teams that due to poor management (we're looking at you Carl Peterson and Al Davis), bad coaching (same here Isiah Thomas) or aging players (looking at the Steinbrenners) that are now disgracing the names of formerly great franchises. So there for they are clown crews.
When two or more crewers are in an area, it is considered a crew gang.
When Shems and Conrad are in the erg dungeon, a crew gang has been formed.
the stagecraft crew (SCC or the Crew) are the best people you will ever meet, usually consists of asians, the kid who thinks they're beyonce, the mysterious one, the smart kid and the awkward one. Despite looking like a rag-tag bunch of kids they are actually the hipsters of the class and the only reason its a good class. Other groups look at them jealously, wishing to be a part of it. Most of the time they are in group formation making them superior to others. Often conversations will be anything from porn to why people are idiots and deserve to die. Also, they are the best dressed, and as best dressed, they are ready for any occasion because they're badass like that.
I was hanging with the weird kid group and got jealous when I saw the stagecraft crew hanging over there looking like the models they are because I know I will always and forever will be inferior to them. Why can't i be that cool?
A group of "people" that usually hang around parks and social areas not talking to anyone or each other, but instead staring at people who walk by. They may be recognised by their sleazy half-moustaches.
Guy 1: Hey, check out that sleaze crew, thay are soo sleazy.
A stellar group of attractive young men. (typically groups of 5)
This "group" often has it's own language; different means of communication in order to confuse and or frustrate those around them. These individuals live by a specific set of rules specified in the "Cat Code" which each Cat must obey and stand by.
WARNING: Cats are known to cause havoc and chaos, and should not be crossed or questioned at any time or for any reason.
Jee wiz! I wish I was in the Cat Crew because Cats are the coolest, funniest most awsomeness guys ever!
17👍 3👎
A group of gangster wanna bes.
Wow, look at River, he must be part of the soo crew
30👍 7👎