When your wallet is lacking in sufficient funds. Usually a person who is wallet poor has money elsewhere, like a bank account, but cannot use the money at the moment.
1)"Hey let's go buy Black Ops"
2)"Can't bro I'm wallet poor"
1)"Alright use your credit then"
Someone who is very poor but either lives in a rich neighborhood or someone who acts rich to gain exception.
A person seen as Wigger or a poser because of where they live is a Poor Undercover
A whore that has such terrible ghonerea that slime silas stink comes out of her poores.
I banged a silas poore last night for 50 cents. Worst night of my life.
a person who has not had sex or has has semen (cum) inside of them for a long time.
jerry: my girlfriend def wont be cum poor after tonight!
charlie: yo why the hell is your name jerry thats a dumb fucking name
Inexpensive beer which is light in character, mixed with orange juice, preferably without pulp
poor moon...PBR, take a sip, pour Everfresh OJ in the top
A person who lies to collects welfare, free food, and free medical insurance while they actually are making more money then you. Poser poor are the people who go to food pantries so they can afford to get a new pool, jewelry, and expensive dinners.
I can’t believe they are poser poor.
A person who dresses in very expensive clothes but still manages to look like a skint hipster or your average basement dweller.
An upmarket version of what poor people look like.
- I can't believe Allen actually paid 400 bucks for that ripped torn hoodie.
- Yeah, he's so Prada poor.