Jessie Lee O'Sullivan, known as "Jessie Lee Ward" and her social media alias Boss Lee, was an American TikTok influencer, business coach, author and multi-level marketing (MLM) professional known for being hte number #1 highest paid multi-level marketer in the world. She gained recognition as an ambassador for Prüvit and was renowned as the top-earning MLM professional globally, according to businessforhome org.
Jessie Lee Ward was born into poverty, but made her way into success through becoming a multimillion dollar marketing guru. Her road to success was bumpy, but her perseverance and good mindset helped her power through the difficult times. From barely making enough to pay $300 in rent, to owning multiple businesses and building an online community through social media and her podcast, Jessie Lee has proven that with grit and determination you can overcome the greatest obstacles.
Jessie Lee Ward was listed as a speaker panelist for the "Largest one-day business conference in Utah" scheduled for September 23, 2023, at the Maverik Center. Other speakers listed included David Goggins, Steve Aoki, Gary Vaynerchuck, Eric Thomas, and Tim Grover. Regrettably, she passed away on September 16, 2023, one week before the event.
Ed Mylett: RIP to the number one network marketer in the world - Jessie Lee Ward (Boss Lee)
Dan Fleyshman: She was an amazing woman.
Daniel G: I loved sharing stages with Jessie Lee!
Trent Shelton: So sad, RIP... We just spoke last night
She is very attractive in all ways, shapes, and forms. She has flawless physical appearance and is the extremely nice and forgoing. Her physically flawless boyfriend Griffin Cronk is very lucky to have her and he is very grateful for her.
Guy 1: DAMMMNN that girl over there is so volumptuous and cute
Guy 2: Not nearly as fine as Nicole Ward
She wins the hot mommy award every year she’s cute smart and tenacious and so lovely that you’ll let her lame dad jokes slide. She’ll also show you what a box fan is. “We are relationship goals” -Johanna-
Johanna Ward did two box fans in front of me the other night.
Probably the most influencial person in the western rhythm game community. Not only did he work on In The Groove, but he also produced music as KaW, Smiley, Inspector K and more, along with creating Step Revolution LLC, which were the people behind ReRave and StepManiaX most notably.
Ayo, Kyle A. Ward just dropped a new song!
When a mexican crosses the border
Oh wow that imigrant pulled a deagan ward
A mexican who has succesfully broken through the border
He pulled off a deagan ward
A beautiful bubbly girl who is extremely kind despite what she goes through. She is always there for the people she loves regardless of how she is truly feeling herself. Always wearing a beautiful smile that will never fail to light up your world. She’s so very funny and always finds a way to cheer you up. She’s so intelligent even though she has her moments. She’s so selfless and loyal to the people she cares about and an incredible person overall.
You’ll never have a friend as truly amazing as Kaitlyn Ward.
Kaitlyn Ward is my best friend and I feel so honored to have her in my life.