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Land Whaling

When you fuck a big women on the beach

"I went to the beach yesterday and caught a nigga land whaling."

by DoveSoap January 24, 2015

16๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bad Whale

The actions of a fat women who acts bad for attention by either showing stretch marks, cottage cheese ass, or burping with a mouth full

"Hey man, that Bad Whale is shoving everything in there!

by JoshyBoy15 August 3, 2011

31๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

tits on a whale

Can either be used as an expression for good or for bad, although usually to denominate something particularly good.

Used in place of good, great, awesome, bad etc.

The phrase was originated on the forum, "The Pit", by (now) esteemed user, Stratoblaster73, and has now spread to be a commonly used term not only on the tubes, but in real life as well.

1. Holy shit The Dark was tits on a whale, man! (good)

2. Eughh, dude, your girlfriend fucks like tits on a whale. (bad)

by solflyvoy July 28, 2008

21๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fat whale

A lawless big woman who feasts on donuts and ice cream. Extremely mad when not fed

Here comes Wendi acting like a fat whale and eating all of Alexs food again

by Fat whale January 15, 2015

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Whale Hunter

A male who prefers full figured/obese woman as love interests.

One woman may say to another:

"I had a thing for Conrad.. until I found out he was such a whale hunter!"

by Tomanton February 19, 2005

60๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cash whale

A guy or gal who drops loads of cash into a freemium game. They are the reason 90% of all freemium games exist after their first month.

You: Dude did you hear about the cash whale that supported that one game?
your Friendo: yeah, heard they dropped stacks on the developers daily
You: yeah, speaking of which you wouldn't happen to have some cash I could borrow, would you?
Friendo: Nah man, i'm a couple thousand dollars in debt, why do you think i'm mugging you?

by lolman159 August 30, 2017

Whale fucked

Usually meaning that the current situation is similar to being fucked in the ear by a sperm whale. Which is for some reason considered a bad thing.

Used only when "we're fucked" is not enough to explain the current ongoing situation.

Person 1:
My principal/mother just kicked me out of school because she tried to seduce me and now I'm homeless and I think my legs just fell off
Person 2:
Dude you're whale fucked.

by The one they call whale lover July 10, 2010