Big hunk, sexy, hot, baller, super hot, cracked at fort, and tall asf
I want to be like grayson one day
he has the biggest dick you will ever see, he his hot and charming. But he is very shy and cant talk to girls, hes usually white and has blonde hair blue eyes. just to hitlers liking.
A man that has taken his name to heart and has days where he wears all Grey. Can easily get whatever girl he wants with his good looks and amazing personality. But, he is also always there for you from thick and thin, and well be your shoulder to cry on when everything isn't going your way. He is a great dude, and you would be lucky to be friends with him.
Dudebro 1: "Hey look, it's that new kid, Grayson right?"
Dudebro 2: "Yeah! I don't know how he did it, but girls are basically lining up for him."
kind, funny, and loud. hes really hot tho.
grayson broke someones glasses again
the coolest drippiest and smartest kid in the weird
grayson is so cool
Grayson is a secret BITCH. She can set the whole world on fire in her head, but on the outside she seems like she wouldn't hurt a fly. She secretly curses everyone out, even though no one has EVER heard her curse, cause she's TOO sweet for that. She makes good grades, even though she barely tries. She's a hopeless romantic, but doesn't know how to show it so she seems unaffectionate, but don't hold back ;) Grayson can pull guys WAY out of her league, but has also pulled some rats in the past. She is very unaware of her beauty and whatever makes her so special to everyone, or anyone really. She is WAY too obsessed with clothes, but still manages to have money. Has some psychotic friends, but deserved, because she's quite psychotic herself. She also probably suffers with an eating disorder and or depression, but only vents to ONE person in the entire world about it. AND PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP PULLING HER MASK DOWN LIKE SHES UGLY WE KNOWWWWWWWWW :))))
Him: God she's so smart, but she's dating that doofus!?
Her: Oh she's probably a Grayson, but she made the right decision BOB ;)