A single hit of weed that makes you go from sober to stoned af in seconds.
Friend: You ok, man? You just walked in, took a hit, and now you’re crawling on the floor with your eyes slammed shut!
Stoner with huge smile: I’m great. I just got a zoot hit and I’m already tapping out of the rotation!
Zooted ant strat refers to a strategy in super auto pets where one spends their points on a single ant to make it an omnipotent being that crushes all.
Dang Tyler how’d you lose with the zooted ant strat.? Couldn’t have been me!
1. BZ (BZ’d).
2. Elevated.
3. Leveled.
I was BZ (Big Zooted) last week.
When you and your buddies are zooted and some bullshit happens that ruins your high.
Bro my mom just called, that was a major zoot blow!
To be extremely high or under the influence of alcohol,opeits, or memes and then to be caught by the infamous “coots” who will then arrest you on the spot and then lock you
“Man I was smoking that good shit and got Zooted ‘n Cooted and now I lost my scholarship”