Source Code

Calvin and Hobbes Rule 34

Something I think should not exist
but I was too curious

and it... d o e s

. - .

why internet why
also something you should bleach your eyes after seeing

Person 1: Traumatize me! :D
Person 2: Google Calvin and Hobbes Rule 34
*Person 1 googles Calvin and Hobbes Rule 34*
Person 1: OMG WTF IS THIS but ooh it's kinda hot ngl
Person 2: ikr (( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡° )
*Person 1 climaxes*
*Person 2 climaxes*
Both: Mom forgive us for what we've done
*the mom joins*
. - .

by Big_Sussy_Amogus October 13, 2021

4👍 6👎

National take calvin to Panda Express day

June 15 2020

Omg it’s national take calvin to Panda Express day, I should take him and buy his food! Jt

by Nejeivk June 15, 2020

3👍 1👎

Calvin Act

A law dat states dat you can sneak off with a fellow human's toy animals and hold them for ransom.

Da Calvin Act may permit ransom-seeking absconding with a stuffed bunny, but da oppositely-worded --- i.e., extortion-FORBIDDING --- Hobbs Act (or in this case, maybe it should be spelled, "Hobbes") is da one dat Susie violated by absconding with said stuffed tiger. Dunno if a court would deal particularly harshly with Susie for her breaking said latter law, however, since her actions were merely done in an effort to get her own plaything --- "Mr. Bun" --- back from da former law's greedy-opportunist creator.

by QuacksO December 15, 2023

calvin abdullah

he’s a really cool guy who is strong tall and hot. he’s also super popular

A: hey have u heard abt nh??
B: No Thats lame
A: At least calvin abdullah goes there
B: oh yeah he’s rlly cool

by iamatammyfan November 24, 2021

Fat calvin

It's a helluva nickname

Fat Calvin! It do got a ring to it.
Fat Calvin! It's a helluva nickname.

by Wayne_brady07 June 7, 2023


A kid who uses dead meme phrases from 2017 and dabs.

That Calvine is Le Big Stupid.

by Xx_M3meL0rd-2284_xX June 8, 2020

Charles Calvin

The only reason I like the government pathways...
He has the GREATEST plans 🤩😂
And also he is DEFINITELY in love with Henry STICKVIN SHIP PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!

so yeh

Also don't talk about VH or I'll cry 😭😭😭

Charles Calvin is the only legitimate reason to like the government pathways P.S I just got VH and I'm still crying so go away 😡😭

by SandwichBananaFace December 21, 2021