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picking on the poor

Favorite sport of DEMOCRATS and REPUBLICANS.

Because the fuckers who run the government are all Satanists.

by Satanists are dildos May 1, 2004

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pick holes

(v.) To find every possible reason, no matter how immaterial, to oppose an action presented to you. This is regardless of whether or not it involves your participation, requires your approval, or is not your business.

"He likes to pick holes in your ideas unless they pay off in the first year. He's retiring in 18 months, and wants to make it look like he's left the company in high finanaces."

by Kung-Fu Jesus May 8, 2004

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When your penis overrides your own decisions and personally picks which girl you are to bang.

Dude, I really think Jennifer and I have been bonding, but what do ya know my penis dick-picked Ashley again.

by Nasty Ned February 9, 2012

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Picking Daisies

The act of cupping one's farts in his/her hands and releasing them throughout the air.

Looking at Mike over there picking daisies at his desk.

by JS61485 March 8, 2014

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hot pick

comparison superlatives for choosing the best school out of four

This school is the hot pick out of these four.

by rjain001 September 2, 2020

the last pick

1. the most crucial decision to make as a team captain; 'shall I pick some weenie that will be a negative to this superior squad I've picked or let the other team have him for free?'
2. better than oneshirtwonder.com and canyoudig.com

LJ stunna 84: being the last pick is like the last slice of bread in a loaf
LJ stunna 84: nobody wants it
LJ stunna 84: but somebodys gotta take it in order to have a complete sandwich

by Timmay! September 24, 2004

American Pick

Verb - stealing, especially taking things that might not be noticed or missed.

Noun - Theft

X - "Where did you find that rotary phone?"

Y - "I american picked it from storage in the office basement when I was working there."

by chevybabbs February 22, 2011