When you open up someone's wallet, and you see like 12 credit cards in there, because they're too poor to pay them off so every time they max them out they just get a new one, and they're all in someone else's name.
Dude, are you broke or what? You're packing some serious ghetto plastic.
The sharp serrated opening at the top of a bottle of COVID sanitizing wipes that resembles a butthole and can be dangerous to reload due to the likelihood of one’s finger becoming trapped and/or cut.
Hey, did you hear about Megan losing a finger? She apparently got it caught in one of those plastic buttholes and they had to cut it off.
Aspiring pretentious folk in the older generation who aren't that rich but love to think of themselves as upper middle class and associate in posh circles despite not having the millions in the bank, not knowing anyone called Rupert and rarely wearing burgundy trousers etc like Giles in gogglebox. They make up a significant portion of the money-grabbing-commie-fearing elderly electorate
Your dad voted tory fearing commies were gonna steal his life savings?
Yeah, typical plastic toff who actually believes he's rich enough for the rules of the super rich to apply to him
When you give a blow to a guy with a condom on.
So you don't get skeet in your mouth.
AKA Plastic wind, CoBlo,
Guy: "Connie wuz biten and vibratin when she was given me a plastic windy"
Verb. When a novice or inebriated person attempts to play the drum kit for the video game Rock Band or Guitar Hero, but misses the drum pad entirely and hits only plastic.
Whoa, you were really whacking plastic there!
when you use a credit card to pay at a store or restaurant
Waiter: How will you be paying tonight ma'am?
Lady: I'll be paying with plastic.