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100% salty

don't be such a maverick

by jus aaron January 29, 2020


A maverick is a wingman who is good at what they do but most of the time they hook their friend up with a guy or girl that the person does not want to hook up with.

If James tries to hook up John and a girl he does not like, James is a Maverick

by laxbro20 August 25, 2011


Maverick (his name means Independent and helpful . A strong baby boy names.

Fun fact is a Christian band named Maverick City

Maverick is lyrical inclined person who is anointed by God as a worshiper , musician , singer , dancer , artist .

by Musicismyclarity February 23, 2022


Someone who has, what is seen by others, as the "horse cock"

"Wow with those sweatpants, Johnny looks like the Maverick"

by Luckycharms17 February 26, 2017


Maverick: Logan Paul's Sun Conure Parrot
R.I.P Maverick the parrot, a legend

Did you hear that Maverick the parrot started cooking crack again?

by bitchesalert August 12, 2019


John McCain and Sarah Palin

Damn, John McCain is such a Maverick!

by ShotMaster October 5, 2008


A bitch ass bitch

"Yo that's Maverick?"

"Yeah he's a bitch ass bitch."

by Idcthisisajoke June 19, 2017