Betting on video game matches either with virtual items that have a value or real money.
Counter strike player winning an esports bet: ez skins ez life
*esports betting*
When someone with intestinal issues (e.g. diarrhea)attempts to fart and up until the last instant doesn't know whether it will be a shart or a fart, in effect gambling on the outcome. Different than a shart, however, the results of losing the Bet on the Gambler can be significantly more catostriphic.
The large stain in Lucy's pants made it clear she Bet on the Gambler and lost.
Any bet that ultimately results in the loss of monetary assets
i can't pay for my green fee due to all of my boomer bets.
A phrase Mexicans use to mean "I got your back" you can count on me.
generally used in texting "I need to get my hammer back for work, I start in 2 hours!" friend in reply "bet g"
Bets made during the honorable playing of Madden NFL between cousins, using dares and uncomfortable situations as the stakes instead of money.
Hey bro let’s make some madden bets, every time I score a touchdown you have to streak around the basement.
Bets made during the honorable playing of Madden NFL between cousins, using dares and uncomfortable situations as the stakes instead of money.
Hey bro let’s make some madden bets, every time I score a touchdown you have to streak around the basement.
Asking a friend what they would bet and bet the complete opposite.
Who looks good in the basketball game? I dont know, I am just going to bet the adam.