when a grl has a NICE ass or nice tits or both
o shit menG....thats grls got some biggo bittes
5👍 4👎
1. Boobs; Reverse of Big Ol' Titties.
2. Medium or small boobies.
Mmhhmm. Look at that her over there her tickled bitties just hangin outta her shirt.
12👍 14👎
A fucking bitch who didn't understand what a relationship is. She got big tits and a huge ass. She a thot that hangs at the mall ready for that phat cock. Fun times
Oh I'm finna get a fly bitty at the mall today
Rj said, “man she my lil bitty bop i gotta keep it onna low.”
When viewers on a twitch stream compete against each other by seeing who can donate more bits. Also known as bit/bitties war.
P1: Wow man, looks at these suckers in a bitty war.
P2: Well keep the bitties pouring in!
Australian term for when something is so beyond sick, there isn’t a better word.
“Oi, your new pad is sick bitties mate”
A bittie band is a headband, often worn by 11-14 year old wannabe scenesters, also known as bitties.
The bittie band is often paired with a lot of eyeliner, colourful braces, and terribly teased hair.
The bittie band itself is worn in front on the bangs, and around the head, and comes in several different colours. While headbands like this are often worn by non-bitties, when attached to a bitties forehead they are known as bittie bands.
Bittie: omfggg!!!!1111oneone!!! Those headbands that Lights wears are sooooozzz br004al!!!!! I need one for teh BMTH show!!!!111
Non-bittie: ha. Bittie band.