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A state that is filled with tools. that is full of people who have never worked a day of their life. they do not have to work because they are a bunch of spoiled brats who get money from their parents trust fund. basically the state that is dumbest place and does nothing to help the u.s economy.P.s its also filled with whores

1:hey do you live in california
2:i have never worked ever because i have money from my parents
1: Duse

by nadnerb06 April 8, 2011

8πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Blind devotion to bad behaviour.

see the nazi party etc.

by hippies smell October 19, 2004

51πŸ‘ 104πŸ‘Ž


A beautiful and diverse state who's literal meaning refers to a Paradise. It is harshly judged by people who either never lived here & base all their ideas about it from MTV reality shows,
Have only visited the more priviledged areas of Southern California ie Orange County, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, L.A, etc. If you choose to limit your visit to the rich area of ANY region, you're going to get snobs & fakes. COMMON SENSE people.

~Newsflash: L.A and San Francisco do NOT represent the whole state and are not the only worthwhile places here.

~We don't all drive Ferraris and freeload off our rich parents. We have POOR people too. You know Hollister? That is just some poor meaningless town nowhere near a beach....all you out of staters wearing that stuff thinking it makes you a surfer and cool? It doesnt. It's just a brand that capitalizes off your ignorance.

California is NOT a gigantic beach. We dont all live near the beach . We don't all surf...hell I can't even swim.

All that said, we ARE a beautiful diverse state. And I'd rather be broke here than wealthy anywhere else.

Out-of-Stater: Californians are so fake and snobby and full of fruits
Californian: Well have you been to any part of California besides L.A or San Francisco?
Out-of-Stater: No
Californian: *punch*

by TrinityOfYonderParadise July 3, 2010

9πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


A gigantic pit of stinking hippies and yuppie assholes who think they're better than everybody else because they drive priuses and believe in the vast scam of global warming. California is also populated by criminals, lunatics and old people. All of them are crazy and should be avoided.

Also has crappy beaches filled with stuck up cunts who think they're the best thing ever and secretly want their daddies to molest them.

Avoid unless you like hollywood fuckwads and vapid selfcentered idiots.

For more eveidance view every other entry on California.

The only good place in California is the fucking desert because at least morons die there.

Don't go to California. The smug will kill you.

by gasmask angel January 25, 2009

24πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


a state that is pretty much screwed thanks to arnold

i guess ur already screwed if u voted for him in the first place

by killzac vol 1 June 5, 2004

42πŸ‘ 87πŸ‘Ž


State full of retards who are all a bunch of airheaded,bleach-blonde,satanists.

Just flush this motherfucker.Come on big one!

by stupid fags February 19, 2005

51πŸ‘ 109πŸ‘Ž


A joke, a place where we recall governors for fun and replace them with movie stars who can’t speak.

Gray Davis

by Caffeinecrazed12 November 19, 2003

63πŸ‘ 139πŸ‘Ž