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Middle Cheez

Guys who like to be sandwiched between two other men pleasing both, or birth name of Devin K.

That guy just looks like he would be a middle cheez

by AnonymouslyGayMan5689 February 5, 2025

Government Cheeze

A government come up such as COVID cash, inflation subsidy check, student loan repayment check

Playa living well on all that government cheeze.

by FUBAR FISTER December 2, 2022

Cheez-It Holda

Someone who gots all the Marijuana.

Yo Cheez-It Holda pass me one.

by BlueSeaViper February 16, 2019

Chugger Cheez

Chugger Cheez is the centre of the universe, it is anything you want it to be. This is how I see it, In striving to create a complex relationship between concepts, a definite grasp between said ideas is absolutely necessary. However, it may become apparent that the fusion of the two subjects is ineffective, rendering a nullified result. In this case, a conclusion is far more difficult to draw, as results so far have remained inconclusive. Further research is required into this matter.

I'ma need some Chugger Cheez

by Oli_Geeks July 20, 2022

cheeze ums

It is white it tastes like cheese, good girls swallow, it can only come from stroking the dick back and forth

" in my the face harder , just pullout I don't have birth control". CHEEZE UMS

by Hey my name is big john January 3, 2017

Mac N Cheeze

The kinda meal that no matter how hard you try you can’t stop thinking about her. Whether you had her yesterday or many years ago, you still think about her everyday.
She’s the type that can change your world with just one bite of her deliciousness. She is a gift and a true treasure. Kraft simply could never.

That Mac N Cheeze from Beatnic made me believe in love again.

by beatnicgirl421 November 24, 2021

chukie cheeze

A high five made with the point of the elbows.

my freind and I were discusing basket ball and he mentioned my favorite player. so we gave each other a high five in the style of chukie cheeze.

by Billy G. October 11, 2007