Source Code

Commit a Julius Caeser

The act of the senate murdering a Emperor or a Caeser.

"Hey bro, want to commit a Julius Caeser?

"Really? Another one? We just did one last week! Okay, I am in.

by Shrek Harvey December 28, 2021

go commit die

Either you are not able to say kill your self so you used a less offensive approach but still very harmful

person 2: go commit die
person 3 F***

by FlameTheUrbanGuy January 13, 2020

committed termination partner

A "Committed Termination Partner" (CTP) is a suicidal person that will join another suicidal person in jointly committing suicide. This is typically done through the use of a "Suicide Pact" that may be a written plan or a spoken plan dealing with all aspects of the mutual suicide of two people.

John met Jane as a committed termination partner (CTP) and now they both CTB together.

by Anthony_Bit February 14, 2014

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commit stop living

gay die

i am gay i want die
i want to commit stop living


by MyRealNameIs Die July 26, 2018

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commit the crimes

50 Cent spent time in prison for drug dealing.

Cimmy Cko

by Fangsta December 15, 2003

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Commiting toaster bath

Getting in the bath tun with a toaster plugged in and um ur just taking the easy way out fr fr fam

Bru he really commiting toaster bath

by Nachos_with_cheese November 11, 2018

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Commit Heart No Pump

Used by children as a way to say "commit suicide" while bypassing filters

Go commit heart no pump

by Commit Heart No Pump December 6, 2019