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slang for "Discord"

add me on dizzy

by PurpleLuke February 5, 2021


Slang for "discord"

add me on dizzy

by PurpleLuke February 5, 2021


Another term for fentanyl or heroin.
Cuz it can make you dizzy

Lets get some dizzy and nod out

by Jacklin Me off October 2, 2019


A Nick Crane production

This is something Nick Crane will say to someone for no reason and make no sense at all.

Anyone - hi, what you doing

Nick - ehhh you Dizzy !

Everyone else - ....

by Dalehurst August 29, 2020


an adjective: crazy, interesting, bad, wild, etc.

imari: "i heard that party was wack"
tana: "it was so dizzy"

by tanas bitch September 15, 2019


another term for vape, coined from a popular side-effect of vaping- a feeling of dizziness. Can describe the pen itself or the action of vaping.

"Yo nignog i just picked up a new dizzy mod, finna go vape with nolan in the bathroom."

by JustNuclear February 23, 2016


Generally stupid or forgetful.

"Man I can't trust bill with any task, fuckin dizzy ass dude."

by Tiegrr July 14, 2017