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Don't touch me you freak

Elise Bishop will most likely say this to you if you touch her leg. If somebody says this to you, you are not provided with a lawyer in court.

"Hey Elise.. ;)"
"Don't touch me you freak!"

by clickclacktherattlebag July 25, 2024

Don't read me

Don't read me. No. stop. stop. STOP. I SAID STHAP IT. WHAT DID I TELL YOU. WHY ARE YOU STILL READING ME!??! HUH?!??! WHY!!?!?!?! STOP IT. fine. this is going to be the last sentence you will read from me. ............... WHY TF ARE YOU STILL READING ME. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH

FINE. READ. KEEP ON READING. I like it when you read. Ha! c'mon, keep on reading. yeah. You're still reading. wahoooo.

PLEAAAAAASE. You can read me tomorrow. But not today pls. please. PLEAASE. Pweaty pwease? pwease?? with cherry on top? With sugar? WITH COCONUT FLAKES?!?!?!?!?! NO??? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

why are you reading me? Don't read me. Read the top.

by DiamondPro408584 February 24, 2021

Don't horn me

This phrase generally means "don't fuck me"

This phrase can also be used to tell someone to back off.

Don't horn me man.

God, Greg really horned me.

by Machomanrandysavagereal March 8, 2016

don't let me breathe

What you say to your lover when you're deepthroating his member

Girl 1: FUCK don't let me breathe
Boy 1: my c**** is so big you won't be able to babe girl don't worry

by physicsslut101 November 16, 2017

don't neck me

whatchu say when sumbody glazin or dickridin

"bruh armani don't neck me i'm sick of yo shit"

by Delantae Woods May 2, 2024

Don't fbi me

When you fbi someone, you ask many questions, probe, etc. In short, you kind of investigate someone's life because you are very curious about it.

Don't fbi me, ok? Man, I've been fed up with so many questions about my private life!

by Andycoe April 8, 2018

Don't Snuu Me

A very painful jab In the side and a scream by the person snuuing the individual. Example Moldy man snuu's Bread For Weds Man ahhh. The snuu is the sound people make when doing it. It gives off the impression you've been strung by a wasp or something.

D don't snuu me! D snuu's Bread For Weds Man

by DJBWolfy May 25, 2023