Hym "Cared enough to check and see what I had to say though didn't you, bitch? Yeeeaaaahhhh you did... Hey, when Jephthah's daughter was burning alive, you know... Shrieking in agony... What do you think was going through it's mind? What about when Lot's daughters were date-raping their father? Did it... Was it stoked? Is that what it's into? Ha! Hahahahahahaha!"
1👍 2👎
Having too much that you cannot endure, so you want to leave and stop the conversation.
Having too many difficulties in life.
I understand you have enough, but don't give it up.
Enough evidence to come to a conclusion. If you see a lot of smoke, then there’s probably a fire.
“Is Walmart out of toilet paper? The isles are empty.”
“Well, there’s enough smoke for a fire.”
If you'll watch for 7 years straight you'll wacth for 3 hours.
Hym "As if 'not interesting enough' is a phrase anyone could ever use to describe me."
EXO laughing at Aesop Cash sounds like sex happy enough
EXO laughing at Aesop Cash sounds like sex happy enough
You'll become Christian? What!? How!? By way of osmosis!? Maybe I gave you more credit than you deserve.
Hym "And what do you mean by that? If you spend enough time around Christianity you become Christian. Then how do you explain people like Matt Dillahunty? Or maybe... Yoi set up an environmental trap... Maybe mimic the delusions of reference associated with schizophrenia and torment the people into converting into your incest cult. They'd be like a grasshopper on concrete. And if Christianity is just this nebulous thing rhen what even is it? Eaching crackers once a week with your incest friends? If I eat crackers and drink wine am I a Christian, Alex? Does celebrating a PAGAN winter festival that Christians STOLE (which is a sin) make me a Christian or does it make me a Pagan?"