Source Code

generic flow

A meaningless insult to describe any geometry dash layout one does not like, or deems worth insulting.

There was a new TSC layout? It was probably all just generic flow.

by sa;fjlkasdjfsakldfjaslkdfsk;sk April 18, 2021

Money Flow

You tend to say this when you've probably just started to spend more than you can afford on a night out. But fuck it, you only live once, you're at the bar, hand over that card, that 'dollar and you're like

"Money Flow!!"

*Nightclub, music is poundin', at the bar*

Bartender: *raises eyebrows at you*

You: "20 shots of vodka!"

Your friend: "Dude, wtf, how much money you got?"

You: "Money Flow!!"

by Tafty007 November 27, 2011

Mind Flowing

A term for when one is so captivated by something or someone, that their concentration lapses and they drift off in a euphoric daydream.

Usually occurs when bored however, if the source of captivation is strong enough it may happen anywhere.

Olivier: "Yo man, how was your weekend?"

Yugo: "It was great cheers man, I went... *receives text from Emily and drifts into a state of daydreaming bliss*

Olivier: "dude! you're mind flowing again."

by Kenjin mc-perma flop November 29, 2016

midnight flow

The wonderful sex juices that ejaculate from the male/female body, around midnight.

I totally had a midnight flow while i was just listening to music last night.

by katiegreenley December 20, 2009

Koala Flow

When one's self is getting ready to nap, rest, or sleep for a long duration of time.

Chris: Yo Pat, you wanna go hang out man?
Pat: Nah bro I'm on my Koala Flow.
Chris: Damnnnn iight I'll catch you later man.
Pat: ZzZzZzZzZ

by Master Watcher October 7, 2011

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Empty Flow

A man whom's hair or flow has withered or dimished with age.

Dude look at that old dude he's rockin' an empty flow.

by BRANDONwordmanWilson January 20, 2011

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spitting flows


The rapper was talented at spitting flows

by gofuckyourselfff November 26, 2013

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