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Swag List

Swag List - A creation of a list of music that only consists of rap. This playlist is the best and superior rap playlist compared to others.

Evan - Hey Luke have you heard The Swag List?

Luke - No I haven't

Evan - Here listen to it on 8tracks

*After listening to it*

Luke - Wow that is The Swag List!

by Iller Than Ben Stiller July 26, 2014

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beat list

A series of pics that a individual will compile to help aid in ejaculations

Jonah : "Dude, did you get that picture I sent you?"

Bonch: "Hells yes, that just made #1 on my beat list!"

Jonah : "That's my mom you sick fuck"

by TastyNuggz December 2, 2013

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Shovel list

A shovel list is a list of people that someone things can benefit from a good wack to the head from a shovel. The term was coined by popular YouTuber WillNE ( pronounced top-sh-ag-ger).

At the top of WillNE shovel list is ImAllexx and Memeulous.

by JackJerry September 1, 2019

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z list

Someone who is so not famous that this is where they have ended up

i.e Bobby Davro is a Z List celebrity

by paul-k January 22, 2004

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Diddler's List

The female version of a man's "Spank Bank". A "Spank Bank" is a list compiled by the spanker who he uses to visualize during his self pleasure sessions. When a women is ready for some alone time she'll go to her "Diddler's List" while she is diddling herself.

Example No. 1:
Sally Mae woke up horny one morning and started diddling herself. She went to her "Diddler's List" and thought of the muscular trashman she saw earlier in the week.

Example No. 2:
Sally Mae was watching the movie "The Princess Bride" and her clit started to throb at the site of "Andre the Giant". She instantly added him to her "Diddler's List".

by Joseph Shirley February 2, 2008

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dirty list

This is a list of people who are so called "dirty". Dirty can be qualified as a multitude of qualities. For example a dirty person is someone that after you looked at them you want to go home and take a shower. You just don't want to be around them, and in many cases dirty people are also very annoying and tronish. I do not want to name names, but you know who is on it.

Steve asked me for my homework, but i did not give it to him because he is dirty and he would make the paper nasty.

I saw seth this morning, i just wanted to run into my house and take a shower because is so dirty.

by P-tone October 31, 2004

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Murtough List

A list of things that a person of a certain age is to old for. Named after Murtough from the Lethal Weapon movies who keeps saying, "I'm getting to old for this stuff." Also this list is made famous by the T.V. show 'How I Met Your Mother'.

Nic: "So I just got done throwing water balloons from the top of the building."
Tyler: "Dude, we're getting to old for that."
Nic: "What do you mean?"
Tyler: "I think it needs to go on the Murtough List."

by NicholasAce July 16, 2012