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Seg in a Keg

Spoken by losers that don’t know what they’re doing. Comes from the root words of seg and keg, also related to the root word Seth. Usually used to show homosexuality.

Shut up nerd
“Seg in a Keg, fortnite dance

by xSplyxQ March 9, 2019

kick the keg

Umm stop, you take your foot… put a sock on, add some flip flops, next buy a keg, and kick it.

Kendra- “what do you wanna do today

Jocelyn- “kick the keg”

by Tommyj123456 August 22, 2022

polish the keg

Spitting into your hand and rubbing the head (or glans) of the penis.

"Hey baby, wanna polish my keg?"

"Are you gonna polish the keg or what?"

by Yoford March 20, 2016

Shmam Keg

A very sophisticated name for one hockey playin' SEXY MOTHER FUCKER!

Holy mother of pearl!! . . .Shmam Keg at 6 o'clock!

by The Sexy Chick December 10, 2009

keg of bros

A term referring to a group of men that identify/would be identified as bros. This is best used for groups of young men who appear as stereotypical bros. (For example: wearing baseball caps and sleeveless sports tees. Often refer to each other as bro or dude.)

As "herd" or "pack" are used in wildlife documentaries.

Ex: Look over there! It's a keg of bros headed to the football game!

by Caged Birdy October 1, 2015

virtual powder keg

discussing religion AND politics in the same Facebook post.

Status Update:

"What? In the name of Christ?!?! Shootings, assaults, pepper spray...Occupy Wall Street casualties? Nooooo, worse...it's all in celebration of the birth of Jesus! Can you feel the magic?"

no one dared comment on that virtual powder keg.

by wickid_me November 29, 2011

Putting on the kegs

Australian slang for putting on weight

Have you seen Barry? He's really putting on the kegs lately

by p00lm8 June 8, 2018