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bloody knuckles

A game when 2 people punch each others knuckles until one of them gives up. Some people play until their knuckles are bleeding like crazy.

I played Charlie Bloody Knuckles and I broke his hand.

by Jingling March 16, 2004

184๐Ÿ‘ 83๐Ÿ‘Ž

knuckle fuck

A term used to describe a person who is a general dumb-ass.

"Ernest is a real knuckle fuck" or "What a fucking knuckle fuck"

by nutsmell March 24, 2005

42๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

nut knuckle

n. slang 1. When a man pulls his ball sack and one nut out of his unzipped pants, making sure to sqeeze the skin behind the nut to it's bulbous glory. Said nut knuckle is usually pulled out to an unsuspecting participation as a humiliating joke.

Hey mike look at my finger I think i cut it. *pulls out the nut knuckle as mike turns to look*

*mike sees the knuckle and is in stuper*

Fuck off you nut knuckler!

by Necremis December 16, 2005

23๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

frankie knuckles

the pioneer of house music.
1977: started out as a regular guest DJ at the club, Warehouse, in Chicago.

his sound was so revolutionary that record shops started selling his records (and imitator's records) as " 'House" records, after the club. he became the most respected names of the genre we now call...


person A: "last night a dj saved my life!"
person B: "who was it, frankie knuckles?"

by LanaS January 19, 2007

13๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cheddar Knuckles

A clinched hand that has been used to fist a girl with a yeast infection, often accompanied by a slurping sound due to an excessive discharge during removal from the vagina.

Last night while I was fooling around with a lady of the evening, she totally gave me cheddar knuckles.

by Mandow "The Chuck" Taylor April 7, 2010

13๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

knuckle fucking

Another term for beating off.

"Hey did James pull that girl last night"
"No he just stayed at home knuckle fucking all night"

by Trevor Pike February 19, 2006

14๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

brass knuckles

Also called knucks, or knuckle dusters. They are pieces of steel made to fit around the knuckles. These are very deadly. A punch can fracture bones. A Punch to the head may kill. However, you shoudn't punch straight with brass knuckles like most people do. This will hurt your fingers. You should swing at them instead. These things are very infamous, and are effective at what they do best, ruining people. Therefore, if you are caught with knuckles, you go to jail.

Brass Knuckles are one of the most effective melee weapons ever made. They can end fights in 1 punch. Theres other types of knuckles, like Spiked Ones, which are very dangerous, and shatter bone, AND tear skin. Theres also a trench knife, which is commonly used in the US in WW2. Trench knives are short knives with brass knuckles as handles.

Sal and Bob got into a fight, and Sal was beating the crap out of him, so Bob pulled out his knucks and shattered Sal's arm in one blow. Brass knuckles are the last things to expect from a "fair fight".

by Danny Nguyen January 22, 2007

110๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž