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gyno machine

aka abductor (push legs apart) & addoctor (pull legs together) fitness machines. gyno machines are one of the most entertaining weight equipment systems to work with, specifically if you have creepy guys watching you.

gyno machines are quite a necessity in a great workout

by caitlin_puts_the_soy_in_tom_sawyer March 13, 2008

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donor machine


We've got a victim coming in to Ambulance bay 2 that was riding a donor machine.

by Orius September 5, 2002

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Virtual Machine

An virtual computer ran on your comptuter. Also used to test software that you don't want to install to your computer, and test malware

Guy1: I realy like MEMZ's payloads

Guy2: Me too
Computer Nerd: Hold up you want to test malware? Get a virtual machine

by Realicanttellyou February 26, 2017

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space machine

An aptartment in Somerville, MA known for hosting large and elaborate theme parties.

I lost my dignity at the space machine.

by resident of the space machine February 26, 2008

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candy machine

An older term for the flashing lights on police car. Named because lights resemble an old-time candy machine.

Better pull over, I see the candy machine in the rear view mirror.

by Chairman July 1, 2004

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Rube Machine

A general term for a female who looks like any specific animal, usually a horse or pig, and who often is an easy fuck, although nobody actually finds her attractive.

Bro 1 "dude i gotta get this nut off"

Bro 2 "dude call up that Rube Machine"

Bro 1 "idk man, she looks like a horse"

by tmullins181 December 11, 2010

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sex machine

1.) a person that can go on having sex for interminable amounts of time on end
2.) someone whom the women love and always want to have sex with
3.) me

mmm jack. You are such a sex machine. I wanna have sex with you all the time. Please eat me out and suck my tits. Can I give you a blowjob? Please have sex with me.

by jack January 25, 2004

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