Any of those people who think they know all but really know nothing. Especially people who post the name of a person here, with a definition of why they hate them, or love them.
Did you vote at urban dictionary today? Nothing but punk morons submitting their classmates names as words.
A thought or idea that is not only stupid but disgusting.
Gretchen thought Sally should live with Jim again, what a moron-ick idea.
A person who knows nothing ACCURATE about the subject being discussed but is compelled to add inaccurate information to the conversation or disagree for an unfounded reason.
Bill is the biggest thinking moron in our group. The fucker adds nothing but stupid and inaccurate bullshit to our discussions.
When someone is so incredibly stupid that it causes you mental pain.
Her failure to grasp what is really going on in the world is causing me a lot of moronic dissonance.
Nickname for Morgan Hill a fairly small city located just south of San Jose CA
We were coming back from the Gilroy garlic festival and when we got to moron hill we were stuck in traffic for 3 'frikken hours!
someone who is bad with directions.
Bob can't find his way to the grocery store. He is a directional moron.
A huge passenger-ship that was destroyed by fire in Toronto Harbor in September 1949, largely due to its stupid-a** design that used flammable materials throughout and had a poorly-engineered layout which practically guaranteed widespread devastation in the event of fire.
The burning of the SS Moronic was a serious "wake-up call" to future designers for constructing safer ships.