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Verb. Giving way, way too much detail to someone about something they almost certainly don't care about in the slightest; often taking a condesending or preachy tone. The content of the nerding is usually, but not isolated to, a persons area of academic interest.

It is common that no-one can actually understand the nerding, not as a result of the complexity of information presented but as a result of the nerds proximity of his/her head to his/her upper, upper colon while speaking.

When this happens someone is said to have 'nerded'.

'Nerding' is a sin commonly commited by students of the computer sciences, of physics, and other area of science, but is also regularly observed in those studying humanities, the arts or nothing at all, who have extracurricular interests such as world of warcraft, comic books, sci-fi or the manufacture of 16th century table legs in northern france.

Often someone will make the comment "well you just nerded all over that conversation" or "thanks for covering me in nerd"
This is how you can tell someone has had their moment of nerding brought to a needed end, and is your cue to regain consciousness and begin paying attention to what is being said. At this point the conversational theme has decayed to a barrage of deserved abuse directed at the nerd.

I dare not give a direct example of 'nerding' as it may cause you to loose the will to live. If you really need one just ask a nerd how to adjust your IP settings.

I will also point out that it is possible to nerd without knowing if the people you are with are too polite, or just want to bitch about you later. Just look for the tell tale signs that include rolling of the eyes, sideways glances, involuntary actions of fatigue and snoring and in extreme case soiling of one self as to find an excuse to leave.
But these are not always present.
Hell, I may have just nerded all over you.

by BeerSec February 27, 2010

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any unpopular person who doesnt give a shit about the way they dress, or how they dont even know what the social ladder is. they dont have to be smart or anything like that, in fact, most nerds are dumbasses who get Cs and Ds and play computer games everyday. this type generally hangs out with more of its own, so you'll be able to spot a crowd. they dont have a fucking idea whats going on around outside of their little world
remember- they dont have to wear glasses

they also include people who post stuff on urban diction everyday, like me

nerd- excuse me

guy- shut up nerd

nerd-who are you calling nerd, your the nerd

guy- what the fuck?

nerd- yeah your the nerd you stupid

guy- whatever dumbfuck

nerd- haha you cant say anything crappy loser

by guywhofelloffsocialladder January 7, 2010

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majority of people who added definitions on this site see also geek,dork,gronk,loser.

hey , this is the 2nd definition i did , gee im such a fucking geeky assed nerd

by AJM March 15, 2005

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interlectually superior people who are comfortable enough in who they are to find more important things to do in life than get wrecked, and gossip endless hours away

by Meady October 6, 2003

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Myself back when I wore white underwear and was too poor to afford quality pants.

I split my pant's seam in gym class and was sent to the office. I tried to be cool about it but broke down in my shame. I had to borrow the guidance counsellor's pair of pleated ballon pants and was so humiliated that I called my dad to pick me up and take me home. This combined with frizzy hair, white granny underwear, a 4.0 GPA among a class of idiots, and braces completed the look of the biggest nerd at my school.

by Ava A. February 25, 2006

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A term usually used in a pejorative sense to describe a person who is frequently preoccupied by, and derives pleasure from, intellectual pursuits.

In modern society, carries connotations of spending a lot of time on the computer, excelling academically, and being interested in one or more of the following areas: programming, reading, science, anime and video games.

In this sense, the definition overlaps somewhat with geek. However, nerd is often used to emphasise those who focus more on intellectualism and academia, whereas geeks are more traditionally technology enthusiasts and video gamers.

They normally have idiosyncratic and eccentric personalities and have little interest in following social norms. As such, they are ostracized by the majority of society as being weak, pathetic and unpopular. They also tend to be introverts.

Some nerds, as well as geeks, can become insecure as a result of their frequent social exclusion. However, many others are not entirely oblivious to social rituals but indifferent, seeing them as ultimately pointless and refusing to participate except where necessary.

While many nerds seem to think that they will ascend to the top of the societal food chain due to their intelligence, this is not entirely true. There are intelligent people who are not nerds, and while intelligence is usually necessary to advance to a 'successful' position within society, the determination to apply that intelligence is also required.

Going by the definition above I am both a geek and a nerd, though care little for the terminology as it only serves to describe, and not define, my personality.

by Aeon_Flux October 29, 2009

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Nerds are bunch of fat ugly retarded computer freaks wearing shitty clothes. People mistake the nerds for taking joy from the classes, but they don't because they never know how to be friends or even talk right to the people. Therefore the nerds only enjoys the testing date when no one has to talk to anyone. Also, the nerds believe their "intellectual level" is "superior" than most other people and dwell in the fantasy that they will at least become a boss of a company if not the second Bill Gates. They never had, have, or will have any lover so they jack off imagining their future boss self ordering that jerk who just beat the living hell outa me today. They also like to think that people actually care about them and that they are jealous and afraid of them for their intelligence, but that is one fucked up bullshit. Like anyone give a shit about their presence. So stop the online shit and face the reality. Which is that nerds are shitholes who are born to get beat up.

Nerd 1- Those guys are keep looking down at me because they are afraid of my intellectual strength. When I get home I will imagine myself ordering them around when I become the boss of them and jack off.

by nerdfuckingshit August 24, 2006

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