Extra layer of skin which overused pussies get when they fuck the whole team
Tina always fucking the squad her Coochie experied bologna she got vaginal corpse
The act of having anal sex with a dead body after munting it, preferably 3-5 hours afterwards.
"Hey Bobby, want to start munting corpse sex your deceased grandmother"
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
Group of unmasked people in a pandemic environment, either agnostic or ambivalent to the risk they are creating for others, should they be carrying the virus.
A corpse of unmasked individuals wandered through the crowd, sneering at those seeking to socially distance.
The act of visiting the supermarket for "provisions" of the rigor-mortis variety. Useful when it comes to mothers day, for the blood which tends to congeal delicately and superfluously around the anal membrane.
According to maritime law, the crossbow closet must be purged of air before the corpse shopping is begun by Little Moe with the gimpy leg.
Corpse shopping shall be done only with a crizal lens wedged between your tear duct and occipital lobe.
It's a putrid version of the Full Course Meal. All the food that is served is not to your taste and or spoiled/rotten.
Jeff: Hey what did you think of my Full Course meal that i prepared yesterday?
Seth: It was more of a Full Corpse meal with how raw that beef tasted.