the kind of chick that is pretty from the neck down. in other words her face resembles a pit bull puking but her body is of sexual caliber
if it take a six pack to look the girl in the eyes then she is a booger wolf!
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"The hour between night and dawn. The hour when most people die, when sleep is deepest, when nightmares are most real. It is the hour when the sleepless are haunted by their deepest fears, when ghost and demons are most powerful, the hour of the wolf is also the hour when most children are born." -From Ingmar Bergman's Film HOUR OF THE WOLF (Trailer)...
(Person)-Watch The Film Hour of the Wolf by Ingmar Bergman...
(Another Person)- I don't know who that is? It was not even defined on Urban Dictionary...guess I'll just go watch Superman 5, another romantic comedy, or something by Michael Bay....
(Innocent Bystander)- I'm sure Marky Mark is making another action movie with Denzel or someone this month...
(Random Stranger)-Don't forget about those teenie series movies I'm sure we got another 15 of them to go, they just keep writing those godamn books....
(Hipster)- Ingmar Bergman...? (sound of mouse click to wiki) of course Bergman was excellent did you know some random fact I spent hours researching in use for conversation at my local Hip-joint bar room where we drink Pabst blue ribbon and discuss are weekly obscure music findings and old fashion techniques....
(Old Human)- 1968, Yes They don't make em like that anymore
(Original Person from the start)- Sadly they don't granpa...fuck these idiots lets go see it play tonight at that local theater....
(Old Human)- But I can't take all those hipsters crowding the place I just want to bring a .44 magnum with me...
(Original Person)- Woah T. Bickle leave that at home... smoke this....better....not for everyone just take some oxycodin and lets go!
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Derived from the Duran Duran song Hungry like the wolf, this phrase is used to add emphasis to the end of a sentence.
Whoa bro, how much tequila have you had?
I dunno....Im fuckin smashed like the wolf!
A mating tactic Neanderthal males use in a vain attempt to gain the attention of a usually uninterested female.
βSome dickhead wolf whistled at me todayβ
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The principal that under the current defintion of homosexuality, you are permitted to check out another male for 8 seconds fully clothed, 6 seconds shirtless or a quick glance if all Wang's are shown.
Dude, that shirtless guy is so hot! Anddddd, now he's not. Wolfe's Law.
Ugly female but not limited to just females a man can be a wolf donkey also
Damn cuz, Did you see that wolf donkey looking bitch at the club last night?
Ingesting both Speed(amphetamine) and Weed for the purposes of creatively enhancing one's work or group activity in which the creative enhancement of weed works in coalition with the focus enhancing elements of speed. In Reference to the Law and Order producers DIck Wolf and his Co-Producer Speed Weed.
''We will be dick wolfing so hard tonight bois ''