An incredable painful feeling in the anus as if acid has been poured in with a funnel, usually after over indulging in spicy foods in the previous 8 hours.
Person A : Ahh man, I have awful acid arse this morning
Person B : What did you eat last night?
Person A : A large vindaloo, spicy onions and pakora with hot sauce followed by a large spicy meatball pizza with Jalapenos.
Person B : No wonder, fuckwit.
another word for the colour red
bob: i hate tomatoes. they're too acid-D
bobby-john: don't you mean acidic?
bob: no, acid-D. you know, red.
bobby-john: oh.
Some sort of bad trip type experience that will make you conscious of the drug you took.
Help me, I think I'm on a acid bomb, why do the effects gotta last this long
Any kind of monster energy drink and alot of candy inside of it.
girl: Ayo my new battery acid drink was fucking sick
Guy: what the fuck is Battery acid
girl: you dont know what battery acid is? your not fucking living dude
Elliot is a menace to society.
He is a literally furry. You CANNOT tell me no. #Fatty Acid
Floating fecal matter that burns your anus like acid as it exits your rectum into the toilet.
"OWWW! Acidic floaters flying out my ass! More butt wipe please."