When you’re just in that elite mindset
Popularised by Tyler
Business Tilting is where a Business makes a strategic shift from their established core products and services, to new and improved products, services and customer experience. This tilts the odds in the Business’s favor by making it more likely that customers will buy from them instead of a competitor.
The entrepreneur realized that the key to sustainable growth was not just about profit but also about responsible business tilting towards ethical practices and social responsibility.
When you have had a few drinks; are slightly impaired by the consumption of alcoholic beverages; are in a state of drunkenness that is less noticeable than tipsy. Similar to buzzed, except less of an enjoyable situation, and more a state of impairment.
'Robert probably shouldn't be the one who drives to the grocery store, he is a little on the tilt side.'
When someone avoids the truth in order to deceive.
Did she tell you she was cheating on you? Sorta, she used a tilted lie, to make it seem it seem like she was telling the truth.
The best bit of fortnite- the best Achievment , calling someone this means they're 😍
Woi she's tilted towers
1. best 12 seconds of your life.
2. Dammit not another grey pistol!!!
"Hey guys! We should land at tilted towers because we're soft-cock tryhards!
Tilted Towers is Basically Death although there is a comet coming. Everyone that goes there and gets a victory royale is a God
Damn, I just died at tilted towers again.