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Cell Phone

The thing of the past.

Today, pocket-sized computers that have (mostly) the same functions of a regular-sized desktop or laptop computer can do; i.e. read, write, surfing the web, look at the time and keeping time, listening to music, gaming (not the high-detail games like Skyrim, Call of Duty and such), e-mailing, etc.

The best feature these pocket-sized computers are well known for are the ability to call and text just like a cell phone, except a little more "modern". These are called "Smartphones".

Girl (on her 12th birthday): "YAAY! SOO excited! I got my first phone! I can't wait to show it to my friends at school!"

(The next day at school):

Girl: Hey, do you like my new cell phone? I got it got my birthday, yesterday."

Friend of Girl: "What is that ugly thing?? *scoff* You call that a phone? What is this, the 90's? Get a real phone like mine" *holds up a slim, shiny, new smartphone*

Girl: That's not a phone, that's a pocket sized computer!"

Friend of Girl: "Oh, true, but mine's still better than yours. Mine's the shit, yours is.... shit"

by Ilisten2Metal April 19, 2014

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fuck phone

A second cell phone kept secret from one's significant other and used for the purpose of booty calls.

Guy #1: "I can't believe Tiger Woods called his ho from his primary cell. Didn't he know his wife would scope it?"

Guy #2: "Brotha shoulda got himself a fuck phone."

by goldengateblonde December 3, 2009

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phone bone

Phone Sex

Me and my bitch phone boned for hours.

by Deez August 17, 2003

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Dumb Phone

The opposite of a smart phone such as the iPhone, Droid, and BlackBerry.

Dumb phones are LG Vu, Sidekick, Razor, Boost Mobile phones, Nextel and good ole boy Motorola's

by centerco13 March 9, 2010

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answering the phone

When someone gets hit by person or object hard enough to hear ringing in their head.

Oh man did you see that hit? That guys gonna be answering the phone for awhile.

by Jesse Sherburne June 8, 2007

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phone gangsta

one who talks much shit,and so hard on the phone but when you see them are as quiet as a church mouse.

on the phone dude 1:ima fuck you up when i see you your a bitch.on the phone dude 2: whatever your a herb.on the street dude 3: says to dude 2 aint that the bitch that was talkin shit to you on the phone the other day. dude 2 : yea wus up now bitch. dude 1: i aint say nuthin i dont want no problems,wasnt me

by fo shizzo my nizzo December 31, 2005

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Cricket phone

Used to describe a shitty phone or when a phone has bad service. Derives from the phone service cricket for having limited coverage and just be blantantly cheap as hell.

Radio DJ: So who do we have on the phone to request are next song?!!
Caller: Maria sa...*static*
Radio DJ: what
caller: *static* sorry Maria sa...
Radio DJ: Man you gotta get rid of that damn cricket phone!

by GSMftw3333 August 25, 2009

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