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Sexual Positions

Stupid pronunciation from sex positions, Sexposition.
read that by your self. Those are more than enough definition Dumb Ass

M: What kind of Sexual Positions do you have? I want it all

W: 69,miss,69 standing,doggy,ymca ,Viennese Oyster,cow girl,monkey bar.

by Quietzzz March 18, 2012

239๐Ÿ‘ 166๐Ÿ‘Ž

Starfish position

The starfish position is a sex position derived from missionary position. Called starfish position due to the position of the man`s limbs seen from above or from the female point of view.
Female lying on back with legs closed and straight to easier achieve orgasm and male on top with legs spread.

The starfish position happens like this; The penetrating partner lies with spread legs on top of the recieving partner wich got the legs closed. Legs Closed as he enters her. Closed legs increase the friction of the penis against the vulva and clitoris.

by noahone December 29, 2010

95๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

Body positive

A way many girls can post pictures of themselves showing off their body and not get judged for it because they're supposedly supporting a good cause (to be comfortable in your skin).

Amber -"Did you see Stacey's body positive pic last night ?"

Courtney - "yeah she's such a hoe"

by Hannah goldsby June 16, 2016

52๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mercenary Position

A position for sexual intercourse, similar to missionary position, however, consent is not given. The origin comes from the forceful practices of Christian mercenary soldiers forcing religion on others. Similarly, one person forces their "practices" on another.

She was over the missionary position, but I wasn't, so we ended in the mercenary position.

by You're the Devil February 7, 2010

85๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž

positive vibes

Modern catchphrase of popular commentary Youtuber Leafyishere. Made popular by YouTube and Twitter users around early 2016.

Gotta spread them positive vibes.

by mrsmiis March 23, 2016

26๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

superman position

The Superman Position is where the girl is laying on her back, legs pulled up to chest, and you do her while pretending like your superman. It puts a lot of stress on her back, but its fun!

I'm doing the superman position. I fly up high on top of her thighs!

by J.R.R. June 17, 2008

142๐Ÿ‘ 98๐Ÿ‘Ž

"bowtie" position

a grotesque sleeping position in which your boobs and your butt touch the matress at the same time

damn, sleepin in the bowtie position really fucked me up last night.

by O_Xx May 19, 2005

26๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž