Source Code

Juice Pouch

A form if describing a person’s big stomach. (A big fat stomach)

Tingle’s juice pouch was bouncing around in P.E class.

by RoWeMemeClark June 8, 2018

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Piss Pouch

A slang term for a woman's vagina. The fleshy pocket where she keeps her urine. A large gaping hole which urine spills out of.

I kicked her right in her piss pouch.

by Stevedore374 December 3, 2010

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urine pouch

It's that area below a person's waist line that looks like another stomach. This feature is quite common to females. So, females having an uterus giving us the term "urine pouch".

You are walking down the street and you see a heavy set person coming towards you and you look at your buddy and state "look at the urine pouch" on that one.

by Toby Schwartz July 19, 2006

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sexy pouch

the slight layer of fat in a male's abdominal region which is thick enough to hide any semblance of a six pack yet not large enough to be considered a beer belly or gut.

Mark was neither muscular nor obese. Lilly was highly attracted to his sexy pouch.

by Daisy Welch October 17, 2008

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Chowda Pouch

A term originating from the Bohemian side streets of Los Feliz, California, meaning Vagina.

Good lord! Darling, did something die in your chowda pouch?

by Nao Yoshino July 20, 2006

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pouch note

I can't really put this as a dictionary-approved definition, so here follows instructions of how to make a pouch note:

1. Buy a belt pouch, money belt, or fanny pack. I personally recommend Sankey's Assassin's Pouch (google it). You won't believe how much you can put there.

2. Take a sheet of paper and cram all your notes to it, both sides in pencil. Organize them!

3. Fold it up so it fits into your pouch.

4. You're done!

Now how to use them, note down all the questions you have trouble on, then go to the bathroom. When the stall is locked, use your pouch and look at the notes.

Remember, DON'T GET CAUGHT!!!!

Made myself some pouch notes and cribbed my way through the AP's.

by Some guy July 11, 2008

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Kangaroo Pouch

the destroyed muscles above your c-section that pooches out.

after my second c-section i need to work out to get rid of this kangaroo pouch

by Ca$$i October 10, 2012

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