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rate my fit

Slang way of asking someone what he/she thinks of your outfit. If ever asked a question you don’t want to answer, say this. It works.

Person 1: Ayo were you fuckin my mom last night?
Person 2: rate my fit rq
Person 1: bro?

by Zesteas November 16, 2021

51πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Rate Your Music

RYM is a music cataloguing/rating website. It's content is extremely thorough, and because of easy accessibility the concept of 'obscure taste' becomes irrelevant through exposure to a vast array of genres, artists, albums, etc. sadly, the community is plagued with countless cynics, elitists, and pompous assholes who employ music as a means to groom their ego through forum circle jerks and panning albums they haven't listened to for no reason; injecting their reductionist, word excrement into every album they can muster through pathetic faux-reviews that are as self-indulgent as they are inconsequential.

otherwise, a great tool for discovering music.

'Beethoven's 9th is trite, superficial garbage"

"Hah! yr belief that music 'grows' on you is obviously indicative of an amateur dilettante."

"I noticed your lack of negative ratings, you should be more objective and less of an overbearing optimist."

- Rate Your Music users

by beightenberliner November 15, 2011

430πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž

binary rating system

Instead of ruthlessly judging members of the opposite sex and using a tedious 1-10 (or 0-10) you boil it down to what really matters: whether or not you wanna bang. So you'd rate someone with whom you would like to have sex a one And someone with whom you would not have sex a zero.

Tony said she's a 7, but in the binary rating system, all that matters is that she's a one.

by LuckyTruman April 4, 2015

Frame Rate Whore

A computer gamer that is completely obsessed with frame rates in gaming, to a frame rate whore the frame rates of a game will drastically change the gaming experience, frame rate whores are always in a constant battle to get those 60+ frames per second in all the games they choose to play and cant actually even begin to enjoy the game until such high frame rates have been achieved.

Man that game was so bad, the frame rate was under 50 frames per second and I just cant enjoy it. I'm such a Frame Rate Whore, I just cant enjoy a game if the frame rate drops below 50 frames per second no matter how good it is.

by Nightmoon July 19, 2009

29πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

I rate you

It’s a form of admiration for someone. A person you hold in high regard. like like

Your smart, handsome and an amazing human being, I rate you so much.

by Trudstar November 5, 2019

55πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Nan Rating System

A rating system that decides something's rating based on the amount of furry characters in it.

Arknights is such a good game, 10/10 by the Nan Rating System

by Tecno June 29, 2022

rate your dololo

its a random thing meaning nothing !!

dam boy i rate your dololo

by sup bro October 19, 2016