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releasing Windows Vista

Euphemism for taking a dump.

"I was releasing Windows Vista so bad, I had to reboot twice."
"Wow, did that clog up productivity?"
"No, but it caused bad public relations."

by Anonymous USF Student September 27, 2006

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Democratic press release

Imagine laying down, on your belly and pooping

I saw that democratic press release Billy did, was a mess.

by Mutherlover420 July 4, 2020

Pressure Release Valve

Alternative name for penis, usually used amongst males or as a joke.

Hey Matt you took a long time in the washroom, were you tampering with your release valve or something?

Friend 1:What took you so long to get here?

Friend 2: Sorry, I was stressed after a long day of work and, don't tell anyone but I had to pull my Pressure Release Valve

by LessOffensive September 21, 2009

catch and release

In dating when you think the other person is a keeper, you finally get them to agree to be with you. At this point you find that they are a total Psycho Bunny, which makes you drop them in less time that it takes to go from 0-60 in a funny car.

Bob "What happened to Sally? I thought you said she was the one for you"

Eric "Sorry dude, it was a catch and release on her."

Bob "Psycho Bunny?"

Eric "yeap."

by Jdamonkyboy November 27, 2006

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Releasing the dog of war

The sensation of pooing out a shit that has been troubling you for quite some time.

I walked in on him releasing the dog of war, he looked strangely pleased.

by UD Scholar July 19, 2011

release the Krakken

An alternate way to say "deficate", similar to "drop the Cosby kids off at the pool" or "take the Browns to the Super Bowl." Except in this case, it is often used to indicate a massive bowel movement, one worthy of the Gods themselves.

Oh my Gods, I ate at the Greek buffet for lunch, and now I have to release the Krakken!

by kn0wbody April 5, 2010

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verbal release therapy

The therapeutic use of profuckingfanity (as invented and mastered by Mental Health Verbal Release Therapy). Based on the philosophy that one's ability to *verbally release frustrations may help to keep them out of jail...or, at the very least, make them feel less "stabby" towards others.

*profanity absofuckinglutely required

I wanted to kick that twatwaffling skankaroni right in the taco, but I used verbal release therapy instead. Now I can spend my unused bail money on something nice for myself.

Verbal release therapy allows me to tell you what a cuntpletely fucking worthless narcissistic douchelicker you are without incurring a physical assault charge! This shit really fucking works!

The only things keeping me from throat punching you are mental health verbal release therapy and my distain for the color prison orange.

by Betty Humptur February 19, 2014

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