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He’s very rude , he twerks and will not hesitate to drag a bitch so watch out

*twerk song plays* Richard twerks from a distance

by Itreallybelikethat June 23, 2018

1πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


That one guy who always says that's what she says

guy: hey bro you made it so wet by spilling it

by The_man_Carsan November 1, 2020

1πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


He's got a REALLY small dick, but he thiccc as hell!! He has a heart shaped mark on this lower ass-cheek. He's a large cum-dumpster and fuckboiii. He also GAY AF.

Girl 1: Why you walkin' like dat??
Girl 2: I got fucked by Richard last night!
Boy 1: Me too! He ain't no shower, but he a growler...
Girl 2: I wanna get fucked by Richard!!

by That_dumb-ass_slut May 29, 2019

1πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Richard Simmons

A guy who likes to wear sequinced tops and spandex shorts - a lot. Often known for his work-out videos, such as "Sweating to the Oldies", where he will be joined on stage with various fatties in the background. According to an A&E biography on him, he used to be an actor and referred to as "Dickie". He was also apparently always yearning for his father's attention (could explain some things). Has never actually gone out and said he was homosexual, but all signs seem to point to YES GAWD YES!

Richard Simmons exercise videos are funny in a disturbing way.

by The awesome one December 13, 2004

418πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž

Hot Richard

When a man and a woman are spooning and the woman farts on the man's dick, making it feel warm and cozy.

While spooning on the couch and waiting for ham to cook in my portable microwave, my wife gave me a hot richard.

by Hot Richard March 13, 2009

2105πŸ‘ 320πŸ‘Ž

richard goranski

bisexual legend in the broadway musical β€œbe more chill” but NO HOMO

the ladies are going to learn to love the REAL richard goranski.

by elderyeehaw December 1, 2018

Richard Watterson

A character from Amazing World of Gumball. He has a brain of a pea. Can be used as an insult.

Me: You’re such a Richard Watterson.
Friend: What does that mean?
Me: It means you have a brain of a pea.

by awesomebrololi June 29, 2019