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Twitter Roulette

A game where you randomly pick one of the people you follow then you start randomly clicking on photos in the "Following" section on the right side of the page. Every time you pull up a new profile you randomly click again on one the of the photos under the "Following" section. You keep clicking until you accomplish one of the following:

You find yourself again after at least 5 clicks +5 (points)
You find someone you know personally +2
You travel to a foreign country +1 for each new country
You travel back to your own country +1
You find someone from your state +1
You find someone famous +1
You find someone with no followers -10 (and game over)

Everyone can make up their own rules and scoring. It's a great alternative to solitaire and you can run into some really interesting people to follow.

I played a few rounds of Twitter Roulette while I waited for my laundry to dry. I found a really cool guy to follow in France and I lost the first round after I clicked on some lady in Germany with over 10,000 followers but she didn't follow anyone.

by divadoll February 15, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dick Roulette

Going on chat roulette with a group of friends and taking turns sitting in front of the computer everytime a penis shows up on screen.

I couldn't apply Dick Roulette rules yesterday cause I was by myself.

by themaster13131313 March 8, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

stud roulette

A fun/weird version of roulette mainly played while heavily intoxicated. It is played indoors. Participants stand about 20 feet away from a wall built with dry wall, put their heads down in a charging manner(bending 90 degrees at the waist) and running at the wall as fast as they possibly can. The objective is to survive by missing the wooden 2x4 studs in the wall. You lose when you head explodes on impact.

"damn we can't play no stud roulette with all these concrete walls"

by Raisedondairy May 19, 2005

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


When 8-12 guys cum into a mug. You stir the cum with a large kitchen spoon into a thick milky consistency. Then find a funnel-like object and insert the smaller end into a passed out, drunk female's genitalia. Slowly pour the blended substance into the large end of the funnel and place your bets on the poor bastard that gets her preggo. That is how you sperm-roulette a girl.

Dude remember the party last weekend when we had a great game of sperm-roulette!?

by LittleOldMan_69 November 8, 2013

13๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Semen Roulette

Rules Of Semen Roulette:
The object of the game is for one lucky person to get a female pregnant.

The players will start by ejaculating into a large or medium sized bowl.
One person will then mix all the semen into one pile.
One person will procede to put all the mixed semen into a female's vagina.
Then the players wait 9 months!
Once the baby has been born, the mother will take care of the child.
The players will then procede to take a DNA test to determine the father.
The remaining father(S) will then laugh at the father who didnt train

there sperm to swim the other way. Thus now being a father. the fathers

life will then be ruined, and the remaining players will continue to keep

playing to find out who's sperm are infertile.

*If the mother conceives twins of two different fathers(if somehow possible),
then both fathers lives will then be ruined. And the need to have a tie braker:
The two players will ejaculate into a new bowl, and insert that into a (New)
female's vagina. The steps will continue until they determine the father of

that child. Who ever isnt the father will continue to play until a winner is


Hey Man that game last weekend of semen roulette was insane! I hope i lost!

by SoulSombra February 6, 2014

13๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Russian Roulette

Engaging in a creampie gangbang with an ovulating chick.

Damn! Me and some hommies busted a nut in some bitch last year playing Russian Roulette and now I'm on Maury Povich.

by Crazy8888s January 25, 2011

224๐Ÿ‘ 181๐Ÿ‘Ž

Porno Roulette

when watching porn skipping to random sections of the disc/video and re-enact the scene with partner or group of willing participants.

me and my girl friend sat down and did some porno roulette last night and had some awesome sex

by Jose Angle February 7, 2009

17๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž