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Ryan is a person that has the most caring heart. He is generous, trustworthy, honest, and loving. He has a great sense of humor. He is a great friend, and will always be there for you. The girl that dates Ryan is the luckiest girl alive. Ryan can be shy when it comes to feelings, but he will tell you how he feels. He is kind of a videogame geek and is really cute/handsome. You can always count on Ryan to brighten your day even if your having the worst day.

You see that guy over there. That's Ryan, he's the best thing that ever happened to me.

by 85Lizard85 October 12, 2018


Ryan is the type of person who will like a girl named Mary but once he gets rejected he will say to himself “I thought we were gonna have sex...” and then cry in the corner for about 24 hours

Ryan: Mary will you be my girlfriend

Mary: Hell no brown ass beaner get your Walmart brand Michael Jackson looking ass out of here damn you ugly ass hell!

Ryan Pepe: Slowly flops down

by SugMyDig August 29, 2019


Everyone says Ryan's are good but all the Ryan's I ever met are retarded pricks who need to lower their ego but they usually do have good looks just not personalities

Me at school:I just saw Ryan
Friend:oh no...he better not come over
Ryan:hey (my name) you look like a square and a triangle tried to get it on

(An actual insult he gave me once)

by NygmobblepotShipper May 8, 2020


A type of person with lots of layers. He is a gentle type of person, a type of person of whom can lighten one's day up with a smile. A Ryan can be one of the most sensitive people you know. A Ryan is just about always positive and someone who can do anything if he puts his mind to it. He is also very very friendly and can form just about any relationship he wants. Cherish and never ever forget that Ryan in your life and keep him close.

Person one "Man who's that new kid? He's so nice and positive."
Person two "That guy? His name is Ryan."
Person one "He looks like the type of person I want to know more about."

by EvilMan1236 April 29, 2021


One member of the Ross family which includes Sylas Ross and Shrek Ross. He enjoys spending his night with the light of the tv beaming off of his boyfriends cocks while they take turns sucking. They enjoy this every day except for Saturdays when they know they will be sore from every other night.

Person 1-"Ugh this guy is soo gay."

Person 2-"Thats Ryan ... Dont listen to him if he asks you to bend over!"

by DripGodEtan April 8, 2022


Ryan is a math and science master. He plays piano, guitar, and the trumpet. He has light hair and brown eyes. He gets perfect grades and is a tech wizard. But sometimes he shows off a little and he gets over confident.

Me: What's your name?
Ryan: I'm Ryan and I know about everything

Me: Ok?
Ryan: I know I'm awesome

by I_am_natsu July 6, 2019


He is the sweetest man you’ll ever meet. He puts you first. He’ll love you unconditionally. He’s super handsome. He stole my heart, and I don’t mind. Very respectful. He knows what he wants, and will show you that. He’s good at expressing himself and will tell you exactly how he feels. He’ll treat you right no matter the circumstances. Even if he’s mad at you, he’ll show you he loves you no matter what. If you can get you a Ryan, do it. You won’t be disappointed.

Q perfection is “Ryan”

by chrissyhtx07 January 15, 2019