Source Code

shitty booty

You smell likeshit or you musty

stfu with yo shitty bootyass

by players guide March 3, 2017

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shitty state

a state which is very slow and everything about it sucks.

pennsylvania is a really shitty state.

by Billybobpatrioticpride August 15, 2006

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shitty yamaguchi

The act of having 2 other people defecate in a shower stall, and then stepping on each turd and sliding around like a figure skater. Popularized by Hinder guitarist Joe "blower" Garvey, as told to the world by Staind vocalist Aaron Lewis.

What do you get when you combine poop, a shower and figure skating? Shitty Yamaguchi.

by Rev. Johnny Blumpkin February 21, 2019

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To get so shitty that one requires the assistance of club bouncers to leave the building. To be so incredibly shitty that one finds the best place to black out is between the bathtub and toilet stool.

Did you hear about Brendan? He was so Shan-shitty last night that the bouncers at Gypsy had to escort him out and he passed out in my bathroom.

by AKSCOTT April 2, 2011

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shitty mess

just the worst kind of mess, one involving shit. shitty to clean up, shitty to behold.

junipers diaper was hanging half off his ass in the car. it is a shitty mess. it is a shitty mess.

by viciousk March 13, 2008

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Shitty Kitty

Nickname for Food Lion, a chain of discount grocery stores in the Southeastern United States.

Let's roll over to the Shitty Kitty and see what's on sale.

Sure, I'm always down to pick up some grub at the Ghetto Cat.

by buttcheeksmalone March 27, 2013

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Shitty music

1. Nickelback
2. Music that makes you want to shove a horses dick down both ears

"Yo, do you know any shitty music that might include a 40 year old man still trying to show teenage angst?"
"Yeah bro! Listen to some Nickelback, i heard its total shit!"

by the biggest fish June 30, 2013

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