A black, monkey, nigger who needs to be in the fields picking cotton.
"Sonny is a monkey ass nigger, right?
Sonny is a black, monkey, nigger, with anger issues that should be in the fields picking cotton for Massa.
"Sonny is a monkey-ass nigga, right?"
"I agree.
A very awkward nickname, mostly given towards old folks.
Sonny and Sunny sure sound too closely together
ugly guy with afro like nobody likes, likes to argue for no reason, and talks about his friends x
hey is that sonny with the afro??
1:that one person that at first seems pretty shy but when you get to know them they are funny and super sweet
2: when you have an affair with ur s/o and you have sex with ur son 3 times and get a divorce with your s/o and get married to ur son
girl 1: omg hi sonny !
girl 2: hi daddy with 3 big d’s all in me
Ok if you have a sonny in your life, keep him! keep him don't ever let go, if you let go of sonny you will regret it so so bad! he is so so sweet very thoughtful and a genuine gentlemen. he has the most gorgeous eyes, softest hair, sweetest laugh. sonny is so funny and just absolutely perfect! little does sonny know that there is a girl, a very pretty brunette girl that is really in love with him, she has been since the day she met him. all she wants is to be with him. you are so blessed if your bestfriend is sonny! sonny is such a lovely friend! so if you have a sonny in your life he is a keeper
girl: oh sonny's coming over!
girl 2: hopefully he sits with us, he's so awesome!