Source Code

icky sticky

Cervical mucus, as defined in the television series "Scrubs".

My icky sticky is peaking, so now would be a premo time to impregnate me.

by Economilx June 29, 2006

125๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

sticky wicket

A term that aludes to a situation in which a person is in trouble. Comes from cricket where on uncovered wickets after a short rainfall a pitch could dry into a 'sticky' which could make it extremely difficult to play on as the ball would be going anywhere. Not anything to do with sex R.munkey. Where the fuck you from?

Its a bit of a sticky wicket, my girlfriend and my wife just met up at the pregnancy clinic...

by umpirestrikesback April 1, 2005

334๐Ÿ‘ 153๐Ÿ‘Ž

sticky grenade

A non attractive woman(grenade) who you try to avoid in the sober light of day, but when you are highly intoxicated you make the mistake of hitting on/smashing, she then proceeds to become a "stage 5 clinger" and enters into a stalkerish behavioral pattern. Thus earning the name Sticky Grenade- A clingy grenade

B'moreo's-hahah how 'bout those grenades last night
Me-bro you got a "sticky grenade"

Me-yeah man shes been facebook chating me all morning asking me everything about you...
Bmoreo's-as long as she doesn't get my social security number
Me-Bro she's a "sticky grenade" you know she will...

by darecountysfinest252 October 25, 2010

19๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sticky Walrus

When you cum inside a fat girl's fat flab

"After Patriotic King gave Camel Pepper a Sticky Walrus, Vainyramrod licked it clean off"

by Mauled by Jebus January 22, 2009

21๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


DJ Clemons's, of Lansing, Michigan, word for cool, awsome, etc

That's sticky, yo!

Yo, that's sticky!

by DJ October 30, 2004

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Sticky Rice

n. (s. and coll.) an homosexual Asian male who is sexually attracted exclusively to other homosexual Asian males; n. abbrev. & a. sticky. Cf. Potato Queen & Rice Queen

I don't know why Jason bothers trying to pick up at the Sun Hotel, it's full of sticky rice.
Jason has been trying to pick up Daoqing for hours, but he doesn't stand a chance: Daoqing's totally sticky.

by assarakh June 24, 2003

264๐Ÿ‘ 125๐Ÿ‘Ž

icky sticky

Marijuana, cannabis, ganja, weed, chronic. Etc. and so forth.

I like to partake of the icky sticky on a regular basis, because it makes me feel chewy.

by Germ March 16, 2003

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