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Helsinki syndrome

Being bit of an idiot and getting your syndromes mixed up.

I finally understand what they mean by that, is it Helsinki syndrome, when people are being kidnapped, when they're released, miss their kidnappers.

by Richie Hamster August 1, 2011

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Neurotypical syndrome

Neurotypical syndrome (a.k.a. NT,also known as arrogant mob syndrome, or Microsoft Windows Syndrome) is a life-long and serious mental disorder affecting people everywhere. Symptoms include inflated ego, mob formation, readiness to follow idiots, and possibly the formation of a large goiter. Persons afflicted with this disorder should be referred to as persons with Neurotypical syndrome, persons with NT or persons who have NT. Though it seems that most persons with NT would prefer to be referred to as neurotypicals, NTs or even normals, nobody cares about their opinions.

Although Neurotypical Syndrome is a serious, lifelong mental condition, persons with NT can live happy, long, successful lives with the help of therapy, provided that the therapist is an aspie or autistic. Through many sessions, they may overcome some of their many debilitating handicaps and become more akin to an autistic. In a few cases, NTs have been rumored to have reached near the level of an aspie, but said claims have not been confirmed...........This explains why autistic people have more intelligence than neurotypicals. Neurotypicals are dumber and stupid. So glad.

by TheKamikazeMonkeys October 9, 2016

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Disney Syndrome

Disney Syndrome is the development of a flawed out look on life. Little girls think there's true love and a "happily ever after" for all of them. That and their outlook on love is molded into an idea that love is romance and a hot, strong guy that will sweep them off their feet is what romance is (and thus what love is). While in fact none of these things are true.

Brittanie got hit with Disney Syndrome hard when her boyfriend didn't act like the prince she thought he would be.

by BROCKTHELOCK September 10, 2012

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Fuckboy Syndrome

A chronic disease, in which a chemical imbalance located between the testicles and brain cause the affected male to act and think in a distorted and perverted way. No one knows the exact cause of Fuckboy Syndrome, but it is said to be both genetic and conditioned. If this disease is left to manifest, it will consume the fuckboys life and actions. How to tell if your dealing with a fuckboy? Ever heard "bros before hoes" "wanna come over and watch netflix?' "shes crazy" "send me a pic?" .. hes probably a fuckboy. If your dealing with one, or have someone in your life that shows symptoms : uncontrollably liking and commenting on girls pics, wearing douchy white sunglasses, and being extremely cocky and self righteous. You should proceed with caution. There is no known cure yet, but educating the population is a good start.

"I feel bad for him, I mean he cant even help it, he clearly suffers from Fuckboy Syndrome"
"Hes such a fuckboy, he flirts with everyone"
"poor her, her boyfriend shows alot of fuckboy symptoms"

by #inlovewithafuckboy March 17, 2016

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mulder syndrome

when a character in a story makes predictions with no grounding in facts or logic that always turns out correct. usually this person proves everyone else around him/her wrong no matter how much sense THOSE people were making.

Harry had a serious case of Mulder Syndrome in Deathly Hallows

by bumpty May 2, 2010

Trash With It Syndrome

The state of being so trash at a game that you get killed by the 5 year olds on hypixel. Not even the sweaty 5 year olds but the ones that use their moms' credit cards to buy cosmetics and ranks because they think they are good. Not to be confused with nice with it syndrome, which is when you kill the sweats because youre just too nice with it.

Kesav has trash with it syndrome as he just lost with diamond armor, iron sword, and gapple to a guy who had leather armor and one hit him off the edge.

by TheKillionaire January 31, 2021

Dug Syndrome

Dug syndrome is a rare disability that directly impacts a person's ability to function at a normal capacity. Someone with dug syndrome may struggle to hold a conversation without bringing up big black cocks. They may commonly have an obsession with making weird noises, jazz, and whistling with a protruding lower lip. It is easy to identify someone with dug syndrome because they dress like a 40 year old dad in khaki shorts a plain colored t-shirt, and new balance shoes, but have the face of a young child. Someone with dug syndrome is extremely gullible and will often eat peanuts with the shell on.

I feel bad for the kid eating peanuts with the shell on, he must have dug syndrome.

by Kamilyn May 20, 2022